As I walk along the journey that is life, I am constantly battling the attacks of the enemy to make me fearful. Fearful to make a decision, fearful of my depleting finances, and somehow second guessing the choices that I have made or am about to make.
Read MoreVivimos en un mundo que esta en caos, a consecuencia muchos estamos preocupados por todo lo que acurre a nuestro alderedor. Muchas veces esto interviene en nuestra vida Espiritual.
We are living in a world that seems chaotic and dark, which consequently causes many of us to live in worry and fear.
Read MoreOur worship needs to be intimate and personal; even in the midst of a crowd. God wants our sincere praise and worship. During this time, God has dealt with me and He has drawn me closer into relationship with Him. I
Read MoreAlthough this is a very familiar story, it is very relevant for Father’s Day. You see a Father can do all within his reach to raise his children correctly in the fear and admonition of the Lord and still may experience some sadness and heartbreak when his child or children become adults and desire to leave home, as we see in the story of “The Prodigal or Lost Son.”
Read MoreToday, you need to allow Him to search your heart and ask Him to dig deep. I say dig deep because we tend to hide things deep down under layers of what we think are layers of protection; but in actuality this just intensifies your anxieties. These are things that need to be revealed if you want healing to take place. God wants to heal your heart. All you have to do is yield it to Him and ask.
Read MorePrayerlessness is a tragedy. It separates us from the absolute necessary tool that empowers us to deal with this lost world, sickness and challenges. Without it we flounder and flail about without true spiritual direction. It is also the enemy’s goal that we never figure it out.
Read MoreAs believers, God has given us spiritual tools to combat the wiles of the enemy. First, we need to pray and ask God to give us the eyes of the spirit. He will then open your eyes to your true condition; that you may turn from darkness to the Light. Removing you from the power of the enemy to the power of Almighty God. He will then give you the eyes of the spirit to discern what is going on around you.
Read MorePrayer is the believers’ secret weapon; prayer has the ability to lift us to a higher plain and ushers us into the very presence of our creator. He longs to spend time with his children. He inhabits the very essence of our worship. We all crave that kind of intimacy. It calls you to a new level, while at the same time pouring living water into the dry places of your life.
Read MoreAnother key to build your relationship with God is Praise and Worship. In this, you display that it is all about Him; because you are not asking for anything. In turn you are submitting yourself in adoration and surrendering your will to Him. Our praise and worship makes God arise from his resting place as its a sweet aroma unto him. We draw closer to God by singing His praises, singing His Psalms and singing love songs to Him. It invokes His very presence in that intimate time of worship. It is personal between you and Him; it is there that His spirit ministers to your soul. It is a wooing in the spirit and it builds your connection to God.
Read MoreMake Him your fortress and rock so that you will be able to firmly stand under the shadow of this almighty Savior and begin to learn who He is and who we are in Him. At this time, we can find our “brave” place.
Read MoreRemember you have His spirit within you. Angels sent to encamp around you. Jesus Christ interceding for you. You have God’s Grace to sustain you in any storm. PEACE / Jehovah Shalom.
Read MoreThere is peace in this stillness. I am taking this time, not to ask for anything, or petition for anyone. Just to be still and open my heart to my savior and let Him minister to my heart. I have inclined my ear to my Lord and through this, I am not allowing stresses and fears to speak louder than his reassuring whisper that he is in control.
Read MoreThe Lord has called his people to move into the front lines of faith and be the light that those that are weak and in darkness will have a lit pathway toward Him. Along the journey we are engaged in battles with our Adversary. He is cunning and relentless and honestly, he does not fight fair.
Read MoreSo, I will obey your command to stand on this very mountain where I worship you to call out to the wilderness and those that are blind and to those that are looking up to the rock that is higher than themselves.
Read MoreGod is calling us as believers to forge a path in darkness, in a world that has false doctrines and no real direction. We are charged with leading others to the light as we become path illuminators. We must guard our flesh, the enemy lurks in every area of our walk, waiting to strike at our thoughts and heart.
Read MoreThe most important part of the lessons of the wilderness are these:
Read MoreWhy is it that we spend so much time figuring out the situation that we see as impossible? Part of the enemy’s plan is to keep us distracted and constantly having to defend our spiritual position. He whispers that the situation is far too big for us to handle, that we are weak and helpless.
Read MoreWhen you are in between the water, as the Egyptians found themselves, and surrounded at every side, sometimes this is exactly the moment that you must wield the sword of silence and let God fight your battle.
Read MoreWe are complex beings created in His own image, which means that He gave us each our own mind, free will, and emotions. Our brokenness due to sin is very complex as well; sometimes our deepest hurts cannot be detected on an x-ray or through a blood test.
Read MoreIf we don’t surrender those areas in our hearts that are still wounded, the enemy uses it as a target base to attack us and derail our walk with God. Once we surrender our bitterness, unforgiveness, and pain to him, he can heal it. We have to give it over willingly in order for him to be able to manifest his healing power.
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