Blessed Keys Book Club

The ministry of the Blessed Keys Book Club starts with an anointed author who has written an inspirational book. The group reviews the author’s writings and our facilitator helps make biblical sense of the message. The group develops their own personal understanding of the message and at the same time fosters new friendships that, at times, can lead to the formation of other ministries.

  • There are discussion questions to help engage the entire group.

  • The Facilitator sends out reviews of the upcoming chapter(s) so everyone is up-to- date.

  • During the meeting, members are encouraged to comment and speak about how the information helped them.

  • Members are encouraged to journal their thoughts while they are reading the assigned chapters.



Promise Land Book Club

One unique concept with Promise Land Book Club, has been to introduce the author of some of the books that have been reviewed. There have been several authors who are members of Promise Land Church of God that have had an opportunity to discuss their book with the members and sign the books.

This ministry has also hosted outside events. For example, we have hosted trips that were open to the entire church body to encourage fellowship among its members. We have hosted a dance interpretation that was performed during church services to promote interest in the book club.