Confidence In The Almighty - Grace Reyes
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you. ”
Reliance on God becomes the essential anchor when you are facing uncertain outcomes. Prayer has the ability to speak directly to God who can give us confidence that every burden lifted in his presence can be resolved and even if he does not take it away fully, he will infuse us with the strength to carry it.
Make Him your fortress and rock so that you will be able to firmly stand under the shadow of this almighty Savior and begin to learn who He is and who we are in Him. At this time, we can find our “brave” place.
Let this be your cry when you feel down and unable to lift your head, in the valley of dry bones, stop, pause a moment take rest here for just a time, a time to find yourself, to question, to seek the only God who is able to water those same dry places and Oh the blessings are too many to count as he lifts the cloud and rains on you, drenching you with Grace. Believing that he loves you enough to be already working all things for your good (Romans 8:28), giving you new perspective, strength and hope.
Be still, (Psalm 46:10) is a command for his people to stop and wait, to wait in a place that is covered by Mercy from a God whose promise is to deliver you. Wait now, patiently as you hold in the palm of your hand that mustard seed size faith, if that is the only thing you manage to muster up, make that your offering.
His plans are not for harm but to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). These are the thoughts he has for all of us. Whatever we are facing, Covid-19, financial hardships and uncertain futures, know the thoughts this mighty redeemer has for us. He will take us, carry us at times and bring us through.
So many testimonies that reassure us that God is in the middle of each and every storm we are facing. There is nothing he is not aware of or takes him by surprise. Let us take our weakness and trust him to turn it around when we are not able. Surrender, put your whole heart into trusting him (Proverbs 3:5-6) even when you cannot see the whole picture. Let Him manifest his glory as only he can, in this same Savior that at the cross proved what he was willing to do in order to save us. Won’t he do it!
There is a King among us, he inhabits the place that praises and glorifies Him. Surrender to this mighty and more than able King. Take your song and declare to all who hear that you believe his promises for your life, you will exalt this King above all Kings because you know he has delivered you before and he will do so again. Thank Him for the victory unseen in this moment but is sure!