ASK HIM - Grace Reyes
“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”
The constant question I have been confronted with is, “How do I pray?” It is a question posed even by the disciples of Jesus. “Master teach us to pray”. They, as close as they were to the Messiah, sensed that their prayers were not even close to those of their Master.
Today many believers are struggling with this same question. We do not want to admit it out loud fearing we should know. Yet many of us do not. Prayerlessness is a tragedy. It separates us from the absolute necessary tool that empowers us to deal with this lost world, sickness and challenges. Without it we flounder and flail about without true spiritual direction. It is also the enemy’s goal that we never figure it out.
In 1 Chronicles 16:11 it directs us, “Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore!” He is the giver of strength, wisdom and life, yet this simple verse does not sink in deep enough as we run from one thing to another trying in our own strength to resolve and manage all the challenges that we come against.
There is a “knowing” when we take time out to be in intimate worship with God. It is an enormous confidence builder. Look at the story of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:18-37. What struck me was her determined stance as she lays down her only child when he dies in her arms. She did not hesitate; she has the donkey saddled up and she seeks out Elisha who was in a far-off town.
There was no indication that she stood there and wept, she was not mourning her child, there was something unwavering in her faith that her child would be restored to her. That “knowing” when you are a believer which trusts how big your God is. She sought out the man of God and pleaded with him to bring back the promise. He had prophesied of this child to this childless woman. She conceived and birthed her only son. She did not believe that the gift was for only a short season, so she took action. Her FAITH was rewarded by the miraculous resurrection of her beloved child.
ASK HIM, take the impossible situation you may be facing and ASK HIM, dare to go in prayer that is unrehearsed, raw and believing! Praise Him and worship Him with a voice that is so confident of his listening it penetrates the fragrances of heaven itself. It dares to intercede for family, friends, our leaders and nations. It refuses to believe what the limited vision of our eyes shows us and instead directs our vision to a faith filled vision full of confidence that God loves it when we ask for the impossible. It makes Him get out of His throne chair and come and incline His ear to us. It motivates God to answer because he gets to show the world His Glory.