"Open Your Spiritual Eyes"
“And you will open their eyes to their true condition, so that they may turn from darkness to the Light[a] and from the power[b] of Satan to the power of God. By placing their faith in me they will receive the total forgiveness[c] of sins and be made holy, taking hold of the inheritance that I give to my children!”
Submitted by: Millie McFarland
As the days go by; there are things happening all around us. People are losing their jobs; people are getting sick and people are dying not only physically but spiritually. The spiritual death should alarm you more than anything else happening around you.
In the days that we are living in, we need to open up our spiritual eyes. God is trying to show you some things, but you are spiritually blind. You see what is physically in front of you, but what He wants to show you is deeper than the naked eye can see. Because of this; people are walking in circles and bumping into obstacles the enemy has laid out to keep them from being able to see God's glory. Did you know that there are people dying spiritually all around you? The word says, "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour". (1 Peter 5:8 NIV) The enemy is working overtime to take people out. So, if you're not spiritually vigilant you are an easy target.
As believers, God has given us spiritual tools to combat the wiles of the enemy. First, we need to pray and ask God to give us the eyes of the spirit. He will then open your eyes to your true condition; that you may turn from darkness to the Light. Removing you from the power of the enemy to the power of Almighty God. He will then give you the eyes of the spirit to discern what is going on around you.
I think back on a time in my life that I was doing good; I was comfortable, so I thought. Things were beginning to happen around me; and because I was so comfortable, I didn't even notice it. I was going in a downward spiral and I didn't realize it. I was hanging out with some friends that didn't serve the Lord. I began to drink a little and a little became a lot more; and I found myself doing things I really had no business doing. Until someone very close and dear to me said, "what is going on with you? This is not you, not the you I know. The Millie I know would not be entertaining these worldly things". That hit me like a ton of bricks, because the person saying that to me wasn't even a saved person, but God used them to get my attention and make me look at myself; and what I was doing.
That night I went to my Heavenly Father and asked Him to forgive me, to save me all over again and to open my spiritual eyes so that I could be vigilant over my soul. My God did just that; He welcomed me with open arms, and He washed away every one of my sins. He opened my spiritual eyes and from that day to now I can say I am keeping my eyes fixed on Him.
Today I invite you to ask God to open the eyes of your heart and spirit. Ask Him to show you your truth and to remove all the darkness that has been covering what He has for you. Ask Him to restore your spirit, renew your heart and rebuild your faith. Ask Him to let you see Him through your newly opened eyes.