Prayer As The Ultimate Weapon
Submitted by: Grace Reyes
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know”
Prayer opens up the gates of heaven and beckons you into the inner courts at the same time closing the gates of hell, the enemy cannot stand next to you whispering his lies in the presence of God.
Prayer is the believers’ secret weapon; prayer has the ability to lift us to a higher plain and ushers us into the very presence of our creator. He longs to spend time with his children. He inhabits the very essence of our worship. We all crave that kind of intimacy. It calls you to a new level, while at the same time pouring living water into the dry places of your life.
Sin slips away as you bow down in his presence, the brokenness begins to dissipate as he begins mending all those places only your Savior knew about, places you hesitated to look at for fear they would consume you. Forgiveness feels like a warm blanket that both envelops and comforts. These are just a few of the strengthening moments that will be discovered as you begin to heal in his warmth. Dare to trust the moment, dare to let go of your old self and embrace a braver more confident you.
The enemy often attacks, not because of what some of you may be presently doing, but what he sees you doing in the spirit realm, the threat he senses you pose, as you begin to dig deeper, reach farther, worship longer, praise louder. He will poise himself and his minions to cut off all anointing that you are gaining. Do not let that happen, he will try to whisper lies, attack you through your family situation, finances or health. That is exactly when your response must be firm and unyielding. If you feel weak, uncertain, call upon prayer warriors to gather around you spiritually. These warriors will hold you up and pray a ring of fire of protection around you and your family. Whatever you do, do not give up!
Prayer has the power to take charge of the life you live and infuse confidence and a boldness that comes with the trust you have built in your intimate moments with the Lord. He speaks to us in those moments of praise and worship. He manifests his power in answered prayers and we can begin to boldly ask with expectation and know he “hears” our petitions.
When you encounter a season when God seems far away, it is through prayer that he will become your source of strength. Knowledge is truly power, the word of God is a powerful giant killer and rhema words have the ability to cancel any and all wiles of Satan and his minions. It is important to be able to use a quickened word in a situation that threatens to overwhelm you.
The enemy will do anything in his power to stop your prayers or distract you from having a steady prayer life (see Daniel 10:12-13). Don’t allow Satan to steal your desire to pray or still your voice of praise and worship.
This life can break your heart in a multitude of ways, through prayer we open ourselves up to allow God direct access to our hearts where His Grace heals.
Jeremiah 33:3; James 4:8; Ephesians 6:11