Tu Solo Adorare, Tu Solo Lo Mereces! - Violet Cedeno Bilingual Spanish/English
“Bendeciré al Señor en todo tiempo;
mis labios siempre lo alabarán.”
Vivimos en un mundo que esta en caos, a consecuencia muchos estamos preocupados por todo lo que acurre a nuestro alderedor. Muchas veces esto interviene en nuestra vida Espiritual. Si sientes que no oras lo suficiente no te desanimes, Alaba y Adora a Dios.
Lo hermoso de la Adoracion y Alabanza a El Eterno Soberano Dios es que lo puedes hacer a doquier estes por que no necesitas nada solo tu mente y corazon, un medio mas por el cual se desacen el dolor, la angustia y preocupacion, todos estos ataques que provienen de el Enemigo, se limpia tu mente, alma, corazon sientes que el Espiritu Santo te transporta al mismo cielo, (que Tremendo).
Por eso el Salmista dice “Bendecire a Jehova en todo tiempo, su Alabanza estara de continuo en mi boca" Comienza durante el dia a Alabar y Adorar a el que te ha dado el regalo mas bello, Vida y Salvacion, tu oracion sera mas ferviente y constante.
Todo lo que respire Alabe a Jehova Aleluya.
You I Worship, You Alone Deserve My Praise! - VIOLET CEDENO
“I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
We are living in a world that seems chaotic and dark, which consequently causes many of us to live in worry and fear. Many times, this interferes with our faith walk. If you are beginning to feel that you are not praying enough, don’t be discouraged. It is beautiful when we begin to praise Him, offer Him a heartfelt adoration, God inhabits our praise as we direct our thoughts and lift our voices to Him in Praise. All you need is a clear and faithful mind and a heart that is surrendered.
This kind of praise has the power to rebuke sorrow and fear and the whispering lies of the enemy. This faith filled worship reaches to the throne of heaven and gets Gods attention (how awesome is that!). This is the reason why the Psalmist declares “I will bless God with mouth and His praise will continually be on my lips”. Psalm 34:1 paraphrased. For this reason, I will glorify my God, who had mercy upon me and redeemed me. He has given me a reason to be joyful in Him and I will pray day and night and worship His Holy name.
All that breath, Praise and worship this awesome God! Hallelujah!