The Sword of Silence
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts”
He is waiting for you to walk in the anointing. There are so many paths, choose one. Don’t delay waiting for the right time to act in Him. If you have a burning inside of you to do His will, then begin with just a step at a time. Trying to second guess God is like waving your hands in the air thinking it will prevent the rain falling, from making your hair wet.
There is a sword of silence that is mentioned in Lisa Bevere’s book “Girls with Swords” that captivated my attention when I read it. She describes the “Sword of Silence” as a weapon that you can choose to either contain or wield. The decision to stay silent can be relevant only in the decision to wait and hear the voice of God.
The sword of silence happens when body and soul are laid out at the very feet of God, fully understanding that the plan and purpose are His and you are only a chosen vessel. Remaining still often requires more strength than striking. There are times when the sword of silence becomes the best one, we can adopt for God to be revealed to us.
Exodus 14:13-14 “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work out for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent”.
When you are in between the water, as the Egyptians found themselves, and surrounded at every side, sometimes this is exactly the moment that you must wield the sword of silence and let God fight your battle. Trust Him, let him be the deliverer he can be and use wisdom as you wait for His will and his plan for your life.