Be Still And Listen To Gods Voice
“Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”
The Lord of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress”
I can confidently sit in this space and empty my mind. This moment is a gift I give to myself and an offering of worship to my worthy God. I am allowing Him to come unencumbered, without the usual walls I have set up, to be in connection with me. This moment is for my God alone. Nothing will I allow into this space and time. No worry, crisis, distraction will be allowed into this precious space.
There is peace in this stillness. I am taking this time, not to ask for anything, or petition for anyone. Just to be still and open my heart to my savior and let Him minister to my heart. I have inclined my ear to my Lord and through this, I am not allowing stresses and fears to speak louder than his reassuring whisper that he is in control.
When I actively seek you and make the time to sit and hear only your voice, peace awaits me and also a command, to be “still” and know that you are God. There is nothing that inhabits my life that you are not aware of, there is no fear bigger than my faith. Your still small voice beckons me and drowns out the lies of the enemy.
I trust you, your words are soothing and minister to my soul. You give me the confidence to look at my circumstances with your eyes. I begin to see what seemed overwhelming before, with wisdom in knowing who has me and who is my defender. My Jehovah Jireh will provide, he will find a way.
You Oh Lord I thank and give all praise because you speak to me in stillness.