If you would be willing to be patient, you will be rewarded. Most of us do not see our prayers answered because we look at our situation with our time limited expectations.
Read MoreIf you can begin to think about the wonderful blessings that you enjoy every day, it is in that moment you can see past the current valley you may be facing.
Read MoreWhen you are in the middle of a valley and you feel that everywhere you turn, the fires are blazing hot, do not lose hope; there are weapons at your disposal.
Read MoreGritty people are those that the Lord is seeking in the last days. These people have a fire in them that is not easily quenched. They have the determination to not accept the enemy’s story of who they are. They refuse to give up their pens and allow the outcome to be someone else’s narrative.
Read MoreThe very definition of Hope is, a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. We know that there are people in this world who have long lost their ability to trust this.
Read MoreIf you want to access the power of Jesus, you will have to do something that is counter-intuitive, it will require you to stop what we all instinctually do, which is to control the outcome of the situation we are in, it requires surrender.
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