Let Him Heal Your Heart
“My son give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. ”
One night I awoke and heard Him gently whisper, “Let me heal your heart”. I went back to sleep and gave it no further thought as I prepared to go to church the next morning. During the praise and worship part of the Sunday service, again he whispered, “Let me heal your heart”. I began to cry. In my head, I thought, but God, you have already healed many of my hurts. I am good now; I’m at peace now. The service continued on and I tried to forget the whisper, as I focused on the pastor’s message.
I made it through the day and still, this nagging thought would appear; what do you think Lord, is still so wounded that it needs to be addressed now? During my prayer time, the Lord revealed something very important that I feel I need to share with as many people as I can.
If we don’t surrender those areas in our hearts that are still wounded, the enemy uses it as a target base to attack us and derail our walk with God. Once we surrender our bitterness, unforgiveness, and pain to him, he can heal it. We have to give it over willingly in order for him to be able to manifest his healing power.
Many times, we are not even aware of what those areas are. They are deep, hidden, and often times we feel we do not have the strength to even look at them. Let me let you in on an important revelation from the Lord. The enemy knows each and every hurt since many of the hurts we have experienced were from him! The Lord said, don’t let the enemy continue to dangle your past, your wounds, your traumas and people who have hurt and offended you in front of you. Give each one of them over to me, I want to heal your heart so you can be truly free. Free to worship, free to walk in the plan and purpose I have for your life, free to sing your song in me.
“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. ”