Have they forgotten that I have been sent by the Father? I am the helper, the One Who teaches. I am the One Who brings conviction over sin. I am the source of power, strength and knowledge. I bring relation and understanding. I am the one who guide my people into truth. I am the Spirit of God; I dwell in believers.
Read MoreWomen who have experienced domestic violence or abuse are at significantly higher risk of experiencing a range of mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, substance abuse and thoughts of suicide. The effects of abuse can be devastating and long lasting. Many people never recover from it. But! I have good news! Anyone who has been abused can fully recover when they seek and surrender their life to Jesus. God can heal you from the pain of abuse. Only His word can heal and change you. Therefore by the grace of God, go!!
Read MoreI began my journey in my new life in Christ. Through many trials and storms He has kept me. I have literally face death, but God has been by my side. He has healed me, restored me and has given me newness of life; it has been 12 years since my new birth date and I am eternally grateful for his keeping power. I will say everything I have gone through has been a process to get me where I am today. So, if you are going through some things keep in mind that the process doesn't feel good, but it will refine you. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." (Psalms 30:5 NKJV) I have learned in my journey that the Joy God gives is my strength, so look forward to that Joy, because there is nothing like it.
When God steps into our life in a meaningful way, He has his own agenda. It will never be predictable, at least my story played out differently than how I had imagined it. I have heard many a testimony of God’s saving, transforming Grace. I imagined mine would look the same, but I know better now.
Read More“We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other.”
2 Thessalonians 1:3 NKJV
Platform of Hope Testimony submitted by: Lily Tavarez
One day in April of this year (2020) while I was watching the news on TV. My heart felt so heavy; my tears started coming down with the pain of so many people loosing their lives do to this horrible pandemic.
Feeling hopeless, I clearly saw it was a sign from God. I got on my knees, I asked for forgiveness and reconciled with Jesus. I prayed and sang to him as I was overjoyed with my decision. Then a couple of days later, my husband also reconciled with the Lord. I felt so happy for him; you see last time I had reconciled, he didn’t and it was very hard for me.
Now, I feel so different, because I learned to have a relationship with my ABBA Father like I never had before. To have a great relationship you need to know Him and communicate with Him. How do you get to know Him; by reading His word, praying, keep grounded and put Him first in everything you do.
I want to give thanks to the support I have from Blessed Keys ministry. What a blessing. I have learned so much with them and it’s important to have someone to count on. I love you all dearly. Once again God bless you. ️
Read MoreOnce I surrendered, and gave him my heart, He delivered me right away. The urges of my addictions were gone; I kept trusting in him to help me in his path. I thank God, till this day; He still continues working in my life, to be the person He wants me to be for his will and purpose for my life. I will continue now and for the rest of my life; believing in His word and in His promises. These two scriptures help me in this journey with the Lord until this day.
Read MoreI am so thankful to God for His Saving Grace through His Son Jesus Christ who shed His blood on Calvary’s cross so that I might have life and have it more abundantly. Having surrendered my life to the Lord, I now join the song writer in saying “On Christ the solid Rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.” I also join in the sweet refrain of this song:
Read MoreDeclare in the atmosphere that he is for you and no weapon that is formed against you shall ever prosper. Be bold and courageous as you face this day in Him. He is still on the throne and he loves His children. Live abundantly in your faith in Him.
Read MoreEzekiel looking out upon the valley that stretched before him, answered the question from the Lord with full acknowledgement that with natural eyes all he can see before him are dry bones, this meant that they were beyond hope, there seemed to be no way to bring them back to life. Ezekiel knew God, had the confidence that God knew the answer to his own question, he deliberately leaves the matter with God’s power and wisdom.
Read MoreI Love the Lord because, in my darkness he shone His light and lit a way to salvation, peace and strength. I Love the Lord because he did not turn his face from me, nor did He point a finger of condemnation at my sinful past. He inclined his ear to hear, as I barely whispered into the darkness, “Lord, please help me”. I will now call upon Jesus who took the cross and bore all of my sins to save me.
Read MoreYou must not look for Christ Jesus in the grave. We know the story, he is risen! He defeated death and the enemy. Your faith needs to remind you to get out of your grave clothes. He is not in the borrowed grave. He sits interceding for us at the right hand of our father in the heavenlies.
Read MoreHe did not reserve His love for a certain color, ethnic origin, or class. He loves us all. Jews and Gentiles, so I stand against everything and everyone who does not act in the very same way.
Read MoreWe have had enough time to think during this season of lockdown.
We have had enough time to think about what's important.
We have had enough time to reflect and determine where our priorities lie.
The Lord said, “I wanted you to hear what I heard in heaven when you called out to me, I heard your cry for help today. I inclined my ear to you”. He cared enough for me to reassure me that he had heard me, he is Elohim Shama, the God who hears.
Read MoreThe realization that we can only take the past and learn the lessons they teach will help us to be able to use the lessons to succeed in the future. The mistakes of the past do not define the plan and purpose that God has for our future
Read MoreGod loves us and will protect us but we must be able to put up our part as well. God has given us a shield against the bad things in the world but hiding beneath a shield isn’t what will progress us forward in our journey with God. In times like this, we must not shy away from these responsibilities.
Read MoreThis interruption of our “normal” lives is a time of welcomed vulnerability. Where we must surrender our control, especially to God.We have had an encounter with the truth, that we don’t have the ability to govern our lives - but that there exists a loving God who controls it when it all seems out of control.
Read MoreEven in the dark times, even when death may be near, God’s mercy brings us light and guides our feet on the path to peace.
Read MoreWe all need to make Prayer a daily part of our lives. Sometimes I think it's easy to Pray when things are going great. When the bills are paid and we have an overflow of blessings. But what happens when life gets hard, when things are not going the way we think they should go. When the pain of our situation is just to much to handle. Are we going to be able to push through the dark hours and spend time in Prayer or sit back and feel sorry for ourselves.
Read MoreElisha closes his eyes and prays; Lord, open his eyes that he may see there is more for us then against us. Hold on, Elisha closes his eyes and prays that the servant eyes be open? That’s crazy right? The hidden truth in this text is this: If you don’t see it right you won’t respond right - Seeing things from the right perspective.
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