There Is Hope Even in The Midst of Anguish - Rev. Maulin Vanderburgh

The book of Lamentations was written by the prophet Jeremiah. The title of the book (Lamentations) denotes a time or period filled with darkness, pain, desolation and hopelessness. The conditions portrayed the scene during the fall of Jerusalem by the invading Babylonians. It was a time when the nation forsook the warnings of God as given by His prophet Jeremiah (also known as the Weeping Prophet).

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The God With Healing In His Wings - A. Morton

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. As a result of this, I suffered arthritis pain and inflammation in my joints. I had been in excruciating pain for a while and as time went by the pain intensified. My Rheumatologist increased the dosage of my pain medication but warned that if there was no difference in three days, he would prescribe a stronger medication…

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Plans - Amanda Fernandez

I want to start this message by quoting a verse I’m sure you all know; “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11. I feel as though this verse is often the first verse we’re introduced to. I’ve seen it on shirts, journals, planners, and billboards. Regardless of where someone is on their journey with God, this verse will come up…

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Jesus Christ, Our Passover Lamb - Linda Buongiovanni

The Jewish feast of Passover celebrates the time when God protected His people, Israel, from the plague that came upon the Egyptians, to kill their first-born sons. This plague was sent because Pharoah repeatedly refused to release the Israelites from captivity. God told Moses to tell His people to go into their homes, and the head of the household was to take the blood of a slain lamb and put the blood on the top and sides of their doors.

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Finding Purpose in Isolation - Zona Sydnor-Walton

Due to COVID-19, we are continuously faced with reports of the closing of work, churches, schools, sporting events, restaurants, and places of beauty. In addition, we are not freely allowed to visit hospitalized loved ones or those in nursing homes. During this difficult time, I am reminded of the goodness of God and how He promises to carry us through storms; and how He has proven Himself to us time and again.

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Faith over Fear - Wanda Moreno

The pain was so intense; I was crawled up in the fetal position. It literally felt like I was being ripped apart. I cried out loud, LORD, what is this? Heal me! As I tossed and turned, over, and over again. I was literally alone, in despair, afraid, gripped by fear and anxiety. My husband had begun working the night shift. There was no one but me in the house. Alone and afraid, the anxiety and fear gripped me like a vice.

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Your Turnaround Is Near - Rev. Cynthia Johnson

We know what's going on around us and it's a lot right now. Don't get short-sighted. This will pass. After the threat, after the battle (read chapter 9 of Esther) be ready for the turnaround and let your joy flow! In this month, Adar (March), you will rid yourself of your enemies (stress, pressure, fear, anxiety, depression, etc.) and begin feasting, rejoicing, sharing and doing the work of the church (9:22). Be patient, not panicked; prayerful, not fearful. Victory is soon to come!

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In A World Facing Turmoil, There Is Peace - Millie McFarland

The past few weeks have become chaotic in the world we are now navigating in. There is so much going on that is beyond our control. Coronavirus has affected so many in different ways. Sickness to some, isolation, financial burdens, and even mental health issues to countless others. Because of this, the world finds itself with added turmoil. There is a sense of scrambling taking place as people struggle with a very new “normal”, steps are being taken as new answers become a daily routine, there are so many seeking answers and looking for remedies to try and contain the spread of this even further.

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