Vulnerability - Lourdes Hernandez, Orlando Florida
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. ”
Platform of Hope Submission:
It is with excitement and honor I present this submission from a mighty woman of God, Lourdes Hernandez
Vulnerability - the involuntary exposition of the things that we have been taught are “ugly”.
It’s the stripping away of the layers - the ones we so easily apply daily - in an effort to continue to live our lives - unbothered and unfringed. By what?
By the realities of who we are - that truth that hurts too bad to bear. By the fear, hurts, pains, and afflictions our hearts have - because being vulnerable is not something applauded in this time.
There’s been an interruption - a hiccup - an unwanted commercial in your regular programming - and you can’t skip this ad.
We have been forced to look at the “UGLY TRUTHS” about our fears, doubts, and the experience of the unknown. This interruption has continuously confronted us with - OURSELVES, who we are, without the layers.
It has removed the crutches - all of the things we use, to prop us up, the things that exist on the outside, that help us avoid what lies on the inside.
We have been made VULNERABLE - disposed of our commodities - forced into - what we see - is a danger zone.
Because we tend to consider this time - unsafe - unbearable - and unguarded. But the truth is - we feel this way because we have encountered a moment in our lives where we have lost all control.
Vulnerability is truly a time when we are no longer in control of our situations, circumstances, or lives - it’s a season where we have to SURRENDER that control completely.
This interruption of our “normal” lives is a time of welcomed vulnerability. Where we must surrender our control, especially to God.
We have had an encounter with the truth, that we don’t have the ability to govern our lives - but that there exists a loving God who controls it when it all seems out of control.
If we took the time to look at this moment in a perspective different than what we all have, we would be able to see this as a season of welcomed, encouraged, and truthful vulnerability.
It is a time when the word of God becomes life where it says - let the weak say I am strong. When we realize just how alive and relevant the word of God is for our lives when it talks about - Gods power being made perfect in our weakness.
In this season and this time - we must choose to put ourselves aside, to put what we want aside, and to enjoy this time of SEPARATION - to allow Gods power to manifest and become real in our lives and over our lives.
Maybe you are reading this, and you know who God is - and maybe you are reading this, and you don’t. In both cases - it is time for an honest and true surrender.
Don’t look down on this time of VULNERABILITY - as a time of UNCERTAIN DISCOMFORT - this is a time of VULNERABILITY - where the UNKNOWN will PRODUCE the best FRUIT in your life!
Friends - I invite you to allow yourself to experience a daily surrender at the feet of God. Knowing that he is able. Realizing that there are no LIMITS TO THE REACH OF GOD! He goes beyond what we think - and calls us into the unknown - to REVEAL how much he loves us!