Seek Peace - Amanda Fernandez
Hope Contributor: Amanda Fernandez
Those of you who have seen me at church have probably noticed that I always bring a journal with me to church, just as many of you do. I write notes from Pastor’s services, to keep his and God’s message fresh in my mind but I also like to write down verses that I come across that I feel I should remember. At the very beginning of my current journal is bits of scripture I had written from my old journal and transferred over to the new one. As I started to think about what to write about this Sunday, I flipped through a few of those first pages and thought about what I wanted to say.
I must admit, I do not know the context for every verse I wrote down; what I was listening to when I heard it, what I was reading, what the sermon was about, but one, in particular, stuck out to me today. Most of the ones I had written down were uplifting and joyous, talking about God’s goodness and the rewards of faithfulness. The one I had settled on was more of a reminder of our responsibilities as Christians.
“Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.”
It’s a simple command, a firm suggestion really by David when recollecting on the places God had saved him from. He rejoiced in the fact that no matter what terrible situation he found himself in, God had always been there with him and helped him overcome it— but he also remarks on how he never forgot his faith. It’s a reminder that, while God always has our back and always has a plan for us, we still have to adhere to those responsibilities. During such a time as this, it is wonderful that we can turn to God as a source of joy and peace, to remind ourselves that hope is not lost, that we have victory on our side, but I think what has been concerning me is the reality that feeling like we are protected can sometimes make us vulnerable.
God loves us and will protect us but we must be able to put up our part as well. God has given us a shield against the bad things in the world but hiding beneath a shield isn’t what will progress us forward in our journey with God. In times like this, we must not shy away from these responsibilities. We must continue to do good. It is so easy now to keep to yourself and not reach out to others, seeing as how it is safer to keep our distance. It is so easy to become greedy over what you have in the name of self-preservation when so many others are struggling because we fear for our families. It is so easy to stay exactly where you are out of this fear and complacency instead of seeking peace because we see these restless times and believe there is no peace to be found. God wants us to be safe and use proper judgment, of course, but He also wants us to continue to do good and seek peace. Pursue it and pursue Him no matter what we are facing.
Now is the time to get creative on how you can spread His Name to others, on how you can uplift those around you, on how you can fellowship and worship, even within four walls. Now is the time to bring yourself inner peace instead of letting your cup run empty every day due to worrying. Now is the time to move forward in the footsteps of God as He walks ahead of us, clearing the way. Not only should you know that God has your back during this time of uncertainty, but that He wants you to thrive.
A compass that spins in every direction only confuses and upsets the wanderer. It makes them want to stay put and remain lost even if the land is treacherous. Don’t let your compass be muddled by confusion, fear, and the resistance to move. Focus your compass and go where the Lord needs you to go. We may not be able to go very far in a physical manner due to this virus, but we can go the distance spiritually.