Get Out of Those Grave Clothes! - Grace Reyes
“For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of Love and of a sound mind.”
As you stand staring up at your giant, that mountain that reminds you just how really small you are. Lift up your weary hands and declare the victory because you serve a sovereign God. That God who with just one whisper can bring every single impossible situation under his control. The same God who comforts us in our darkest moments. He “sees” us in all our mess and compassion pours through His eyes.
In the heat of the battle, as the odds begin to look like those of the shepherd boy and future King David (1 Samuel 17:45-47) or Daniel as he sat in the den of hungry lions (Daniel 6:21-22). You must not look for Christ Jesus in the grave. We know the story, he is risen! He defeated death and the enemy. Your faith needs to remind you to get out of your grave clothes. He is not in the borrowed grave. He sits interceding for us at the right hand of our father in the heavenlies.
It is through faith that you will be carried through your storms. Prayer is the communication channel to receive encouragement and direction directly from God. Do not miss the messages because you have stopped praying. His word is unchangeable, and his promises therein are true. Stay in the word at all times.
The enemy wants to get you in a place you are so worn out, so discouraged you feel that you can not pray. In prayer, especially praying in the spirit, God strengthens you. Even now, in the darkest moments of your storm there are lessons to be learned. Carry your battle verses with you and put them in strategic places where you can see them, you are in spiritual warfare.
In these times of trial and uncertainty, your voice must be lifted in praise and worship. Scripture states that God inhabits our worship. His name is to be glorified despite your situation, this indicates that no matter what you are going through you know that he is alive and more than able to take care of your needs, heal or even deliver you or your family.
God expects us to look at our situation with spiritual eyes and begin to thank Him for all he has already done and all that he is doing for our good. He loves us and is our helper. Thank Him for answering your prayers according to His will for your life and that no matter what, He is God and knows what you need. Keep His word constantly in your mouth and wait on the Lord.
Never walk around like you have already lost the battle, you are more than a conqueror in Him. Don’t cancel your blessings because you doubt his ability to change your situation or he does not answer you at your time. Trust His perfect timing. He will make all things come together for your good and his Glory.