Drop It – Rev. Grace Reyes

The Hebrew meaning for “be still” in that verse is “to drop it”.  What the message said was to drop your weapons, to drop the things that you are trying to control, those things that you are trying to use to win a battle that only God can win and to take refuge in God and watch Him go to war for you.

El significado hebreo de "estar quieto" en ese versículo es "dejarlo caer". Lo que decía el mensaje era que dejaran las armas, que dejaran las cosas que están tratando de controlar, esas cosas que están tratando de usar para ganar una batalla que solo Dios puede ganar y que se refugien en Dios y lo vean ir a la guerra. para ti.

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Believe - Rev. Grace Reyes

Dare to speak into your situation, that what you see in the name of Jesus will be no more, no more suffering over a situation that you have given over to God and He is more than able.  Sickness, nothing is too hard for Him, salvation for your children His promise is sufficient.  Whatever you are facing today, speak to it with authority and faith that what you are looking at in the natural is being worked on in the supernatural.

Atrévete a hablar de tu situación, que lo que ves en el nombre de Jesús no será más, no más sufrimiento por una situación que le has entregado a Dios y Él es más que capaz. Enfermedad, nada es demasiado difícil para Él, salvación para tus hijos Su promesa es suficiente. Lo que sea que estés enfrentando hoy, háblalo con autoridad y fe de que lo que estás viendo en lo natural se está trabajando en lo sobrenatural.

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How Are You Dressed Today? - Rev. Grace Reyes

I will follow Jesus to a place he has said He went to prepare for all who believe, who have given up their lives in order to be partakers in His eternal one. 

Seguiré a Jesús a un lugar que él ha dicho que fue a preparar para todos los que creen, que han dado su vida para ser partícipes de Su vida eterna.

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Jesus Asked Him, “Do you want to get well?” – Rev. Grace Reyes

One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.  When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

John 5:6 NIV

Uno de los que estaba allí había estado inválido durante treinta y ocho años. Cuando Jesús lo vio acostado allí y supo que había estado en esta condición durante mucho tiempo, le preguntó: "¿Quieres ser sano?"

Juan 5:6 NVI

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Choosing To Believe God's Promises - Rev. Grace Reyes

“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world. You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God:

Your towns and your fields
    will be blessed.
Your children and your crops
    will be blessed.
The offspring of your herds and flocks
    will be blessed.
Your fruit baskets and breadboards
    will be blessed.
Wherever you go and whatever you do,
    you will be blessed.

Deuteronomy 28:1-6 NLT

Si obedeces plenamente al Señor tu Dios y guardas cuidadosamente todos sus mandamientos que te doy hoy, el Señor tu Dios te exaltará sobre todas las naciones del mundo. 2 Experimentarás todas estas bendiciones si obedeces al Señor tu Dios:

3 Tus ciudades y tus campos serán benditos. 4 Tus hijos y tus cultivos serán benditos. La descendencia de tus vacas y tus rebaños será bendecida. serás bendecido

Deuteronomio 28:1-6 NTV

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Like A Deeply Rooted Tree – Rev. Grace Reyes

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
And whose hope is the Lord.
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,”

Jeremiah 17:5-6 NKJV

“Bienaventurado el varón que confía en el Señor,y cuya esperanza es el Señor.Porque será como árbol plantado junto a las aguas,que junto a la corriente echará sus raíces,y cuando llegue el calor no temerá,pero su hoja será verde”,

Jeremías 17:5-6 NVI

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God’s Love is Limitless - Rev. Grace Reyes

God’s Love is Limitless

Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens;
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Psalms 36:5 NKJV

The Psalmist extolls God’s great love against the backdrop of human evil.  It refers to the love of God and His mercy.  God’s unchanging Love is seen through His faithfulness.


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Keep Plugged Into The Right Outlet - Maria Guzman

For those of you going through searching which outlet works for you, you have a decision to make like I did with iron. Say a prayer, and return back to the original outlet (the Lord and Savior of your life) and depend on Him and Him alone for the answers to your solutions. Focus on the Lord and you will see the blessings He has for your life. Build up your prayer time, fast more often, and congregate/fellowship more often at your local church. 

Para aquellos de ustedes que buscan qué salida funciona para ustedes, tienen que tomar una decisión como lo hice con el hierro. Diga una oración y regrese a la salida original (el Señor y Salvador de su vida) y dependa de Él y solo de Él para las respuestas a sus soluciones. Enfócate en el Señor y verás las bendiciones que tiene para tu vida. Aumente su tiempo de oración, ayune con más frecuencia y congregue/compañerismo con más frecuencia en su iglesia local.

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Pay Attention To The Whisper - Rev. Grace Reyes

Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. 1 Kings 19:11-12

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"Broken into Brokenness" - LaShawnda Coleman

For many of you, you may have at some point in your lifetime. Experienced feeling broken or brokenness. “I know I have ” and from my perspective it wasn’t good. I’m quite sure we can all share our past experiences. What it felt like or how it feels to be broken. For myself I have actually experienced a few different aspects from broken and brokenness. Such as pain, suffering, disappointments, discomfort, loneliness, and unforgiveness. Most leading to regret at times.

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Jesus Gives True Rest - Rev. Grace Reyes

When I think of Gardens I am brought to a place of serene beauty, a place that takes me to an intimate place with God and brings me peace and tranquility. My garden is lush and has living water you can drink from always. Anxiety does not exist, I don’t have to be anyone’s idea of perfect, my imperfections are okay with my Savior. There’s only a quiet confidence that I am with my Lord and at this moment I am free.

No imaginary deadlines, man-made, impatient, and transactional. You do for me, and I will love, accept, hang out with you. I am at a crossroad that looks different from the pressures of this world. I refer to the scriptures of Matthew 11:30 in which I have a wonderful reassurance that Jesus gives in this message, “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Cuando pienso en Jardines soy llevado a un lugar de serena belleza, un lugar que me lleva a un lugar íntimo con Dios y me trae paz y tranquilidad. Mi jardín es exuberante y tiene agua viva de la que puedes beber siempre. La ansiedad no existe, no tengo que ser la idea de nadie de perfecto, mis imperfecciones están bien con mi Salvador. Solo hay una tranquila confianza de que estoy con mi Señor y en este momento soy libre.

Sin plazos imaginarios, creados por el hombre, impacientes y transaccionales. Lo haces por mí, y te amaré, aceptaré y pasaré el rato contigo. Estoy en una encrucijada que se ve diferente a las presiones de este mundo. Me refiero a las escrituras de Mateo 11:30 en las que tengo una maravillosa seguridad que Jesús da en este mensaje: “Porque mi yugo es fácil y ligera mi carga”.

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On behalf of Blessed Keys Ministry we pray that every single woman of this earth will enjoy the honor bestowed on her today.

We thank each Mom, Grandma and all those women that stand in the gap to love and care for the motherless, who quietly spread their wisdom and direction and bless those they come in contact with. You are the angels sent to this earth to care for God’s children.

We will continue to pray that the Lord blesses you.

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A Thankful Heart - Rev. Bernadette Towers

The fact of the matter is life can be a daily challenge. We work hard to balance it all out. Many of us juggle with parenting, marriage, school, work, ministry, etc. Many also juggle life as they suffer from different afflictions. It does not matter who we are, we all face something.

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Finding Your Inner Peace - Dr. Torise L. Hiller

Dr. Torise L. Hiller, affectionately known as " Dr. T" was born and raised in the city of Passaic, NJ and is one of a triplet. She is a a former Middle school/High School English teacher for over a decade. In addition, she currently works as an Adjunct Professor & Trainer at Essex County College and Passaic County Community College. In addition, she is a traveling independent instructor & educational consultant for Therapy Travelers, Inc. She is an licensed & ordained minister, certified in pre- marital/ marriage counselor, pastoral care, gang counseling and suicide prevention. She is an innovator, prolific writer, master wordologist, Transformational Coach & Empowerment Speaker. Here is her web-site: https://aplacetoconsider.com/

La Dra. Torise L. Hiller, conocida cariñosamente como "Dra. T", nació y se crió en la ciudad de Passaic, NJ y es una de un trillizo. Ha sido profesora de inglés de secundaria y preparatoria durante más de una década. Además, actualmente trabaja como profesora adjunta y formadora en Essex County College y Passaic County Community College. Además, es instructora itinerante independiente y consultora educativa para Therapy Travelers, Inc. Es ministra licenciada y ordenada, certificada en consejería prematrimonial/matrimonial, cuidado pastoral, consejería de pandillas y prevención del suicidio. Es una innovadora, escritora prolífica, maestra de la palabra, entrenadora transformacional y oradora de empoderamiento. Aquí está su sitio web: https://aplacetoconsider.com/

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Praying is not an Activity; it is Life!! - Rev. Millie McFarland

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.”

Colossians 4:2 NLT

Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland

Praying should not be thought of as an activity. It shouldn't be something you cross off your to do list. You shouldn't be like, "I better hurry up and finish these dishes or cleaning this bathroom, so I can go pray and then go do groceries." That sounds like one of your chores, and who likes doing chores? No one!! Praying should be a natural desire to speak to the lover of your soul. When you wake up in the morning the first thing out of your mouth should be thank you Lord, for waking me up this morning. Good morning Father, I love you, etc..

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