El Shaddai, Teach Me Your Word - Rev. Bernadette Towers

Those Words that take us into a more profound, and unwavering relationship in Christ. Helping us to truly grasp what it means to be a Christian, a true follower of Christ Jesus. Immediately in my spirit I heard, reconcile, reconciliation. I wrote the words down and when God and I finished our conversation I started my study of those two words.

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Where is God in this? – Rev. Grace Reyes

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens,

And Your glory above all the earth.

Psalm 108:5 NKJV

Surrender today and that means when you do, you are trusting His will be done in your life, to lift the spirit of heaviness, be sure to reject it soundly and recognize it is not of God. Anxiety, give it the boot and trust the joy that God has for you around the corner as you walk away from it. Welcome God as your sole source of JOY and seek him again as your first love, then watch his mighty power pour into your very soul. God is nearer than you think, just reach out your hand in faith and take His extended one. Then trust the steps as He leads you out of your valley to the mountain top with your testimony for others to follow!

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You are Important to God - Rev. Bernadette Towers

I was thinking about the Lord and His kingdom, and He brought to my remembrance a sermon I preached a few years ago. I spoke about being a part of the Kingdom of God and how each of us have been called, and placed exactly where God needed us to be, to do what God has called us to do. I used a puzzle that day to help Illustrate the message. I gave some people pieces to the puzzle and near the end of my sermon I called them up one by one. As they came up, I asked them to read the wording on the back side of the piece, then place the piece in the appropriate spot.

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Our Merciful God – Rev. Bernadette Towers

In the Biblical text the word mercy relates to forgiveness or withholding punishment. But the Bible also defines mercy beyond this. Mercy, or being merciful is when God is compassionate, forgiving, gives comfort, and is caring to those who are in distress. Merciful, is having mercy. God was being merciful when he sent Christ to bear our sins, to die in our place so that we could be forgiven and reconciled to Him.

Merciful… What a powerful word when you really ponder it and meditate on the meaning. What is even more powerful, is when you remember how God is Merciful.

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Time to Rise Up and Use your Talents for Gods Glory – Rev. Grace Reyes

It is of utmost importance that we begin to exercise those gifts. Some can write, write a blog, submit it to an online platform (Blessed Keys…) let your voice be heard in the Kingdom. (Isaiah 43:1 NKJV). You do not know how you affect people or, who God is using you to reach, but we know for sure that His word does not return to Him void but accomplishes what He has set it out to do.

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"Trusting in the Lord" - Renita Morriar

Friends, if you are struggling with financial, marital, vocational, health or any type of issue/challenge in your life and you have been praying for the Lord to restore and deliver you, or your loved one from that negative situation, which seems to only increase in spite of your prayers, I urge you TODAY to plant a seed in your house of worship and lay that burden down completely before the Lord. If you do not belong to a church, ask the Lord where you should plant your seed. God is able and a seed will meet any need.

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"Relationship: Trusting God" - Millie McFarland

God is desiring that we stop and communicate with Him and just bask in His love. Pause and just be happy in His presence. That would be the simple way to do it; with an open and willing heart. But a lot of the time He has to bring us to a stop, so that He can get our attention. It takes God putting us in a sick bed, to get us to slow down. Perhaps the tragedy of losing someone or losing the job that had you so consumed, that you don't even pray before sitting down to a meal.

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Rest in Me – Rev. Grace Reyes

“Your ways are higher, and I trust you Lord, you know exactly what I need.” This thought came to mind as I entered my prayer time with the Lord. Isaiah 55:8-9 came to me at that exact moment, and I was filled with a sense of peace. He, the Lord, my protector knew exactly what I needed. He called me to a place that gave me the opportunity to be at His feet and bask in His presence, there it felt as if nothing was impossible with Him.

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Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones - Ruth Doran Bilingual Spanish/English

I now realize that those major stumbling blocks were really stepping stones! Each roadblock has, through prayer, taught me many valuable lessons. God doesn’t allow us more than we can handle. We must reach to Him always and He will guide us through. We must realize that stumbling blocks can, through prayer, be stepping stones to bring us closer to our Heavenly Father.

¡Ahora me doy cuenta de que esos principales obstáculos eran realmente trampolines! Cada obstáculo me ha enseñado, a través de la oración, muchas lecciones valiosas. Dios no nos permite más de lo que podemos manejar. Debemos llegar a Él siempre y Él nos guiará. Debemos darnos cuenta de que los tropiezos pueden, mediante la oración, ser trampolines para acercarnos a nuestro Padre Celestial.

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I Am Called – Rev. Grace Reyes Bilingual Spanish/English

I am not waiting for someone else to start the journey. I am not willing to sit back and wait till there is someone more knowledgeable, to begin the talk about the gospel. I do not have the luxury of time when his coming is so near. I am not willing to wait for those that have also been called to do the will of God. The right time to act is in this very moment, holding on to the promise that he who he sends, he equips.

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The Peace Of Faith – Rev. Grace Reyes

To sink in or relax is to stop the struggle and find peace in faith. We can trust that his promises are true and in His unchanging word there are promises that will be met. We are then able to truly surrender in the storms knowing that with one whisper he can calm the raging seas of life.

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