A Call To Repentance - Rev. Grace Reyes

In this place of repentance and true surrender I bow to His unending love for me. I cry Holy for He is Holy. I worship because he is so worthy and my heart jumps for joy at the realization that He loves me no matter my shortcomings. His Grace is sufficient and the invitation to sit at His table is a forever one.

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God is..... - Rev. Bernadette Towers

God is, the living God, God the Creator of the world; Ruach Elohim, the wind and breath of God. He is, Adonai Elohim, My (our) Lord, Master, Provider. He is Covenant Maker, judge, and our avenger. He is, El Elyon, the Most High God! He is our Shield, our great reward and the Living One Who sees us! God is, El Shaddai, Almighty God, God of heaven, The Everlasting God, and much more!

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Cry Of The Watchmen - Rev. Grace Reyes

Ezekiel carried a warning back then about the work that was still to be done and the Lord showed him the vast amount of bones that were scattered, dry in the morning sun with no sign of life or hope of it. The message is about the dryness we also face in our land today and the watchman is sounding the alarm for believers and those that are lost.

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Disappointment..Be Gone In Jesus Name!! - Millie McFarland

You need to realize; that even if the "good things" you're waiting on don't happen right away, the joy and hope that God gives, fill you up until they do happen. It is not a temporary "feel good" as it is an eternal one. So you can wave good-bye to disappointment and embrace the Hope and Joy you now have in Jesus. The word says, "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." Habakkuk 3:18 KJV

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Let us gather together and let the Holy Spirit pour down on us a brand-new day, an opportunity to take advantage of this spiritual awakening in Him. Let’s pray like we have never prayed before and seek his face. We can use this time to strengthen our walk and our faith.

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Weep Tonight, Joy Comes in the Morning - Millie McFarland

In the times we are living in more often than not, we go through difficult situations that cause us to cry and weep. So many of us have lost jobs, some are facing illness and some have lost loved ones. When you look at what you're going through it doesn't seem like it is going to get better anytime soon. We tend to look at things through our cardinal vision instead of seeing things through our spiritual eyes, where you can see the salvation of our Lord.

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