Sweet Friendships Refresh the Soul - Rev. Bernadette Towers
“Sweet friendships[a] refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy,
for good friends are like the anointing oil
that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence.”
Submitted by: Rev. Bernadette Towers
I found myself looking down memory lane a while ago and thought about my life before Christ, how very different I was. Truth be told, I was of a wild woman. Goodness, I was crazy! I used to love to go to bars and dance clubs. I often would go to a place in New Have called Todd’s Place. I used to love to dance, didn’t need a drink to get me going. Oh no, just the music. My friends would love watching me hop onto a table and just dance.
I also used to be involved with witchcraft and read tarot cards. I would bring the tarot cards to work and read them for my co-workers. I was so lost. Was, look at what God has done in my life through Christ Jesus. I am amazed with my transformation. Instead of dancing on tables, I dance with the Lord. Instead of reading tarot cards, I read the Bible.
I want to testify to the goodness of God. I am a very blessed person. I have all that I need and more! I have been delivered from witchcraft, saved and serving the Lord with fullness of heart for 22 years. I have seen miracles, miracles in my life and the life of others. God has blessed me greatly!
God has given me much joy and placed special people; I call friends in my life. Yes, friends who honestly care for me and my well-being, both physically and spiritually. These special people who will and have told me when I was wrong or acting foolishly out of hurt or anger; who pray for me, with me, encourage me and uplift me. People who have never judged me, or thought ill of me, who took time to get to know me, counsel me with sound advice, cried with me and laughed with me, who have kept me accountable to God and the Word. They have seen me at my worst and my best and stuck by my side. I am blessed!
How very precious my friends are. I know that God has placed each person in my life at the right time, some for seasons, and some for life. God had placed each one to help me grow spiritually, learn much and become a better person. I am blessed and I am grateful to God for each person. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I take a part of each one with me. I am thankful for and to all of my friends; I am Blessed with true friendship. Friends are a gift from God! How Blessed I am! Praise be to God!