“Rain down, you heavens, from above,
And let the skies pour down righteousness;
Let the earth open, let them bring forth salvation,
And let righteousness spring up together.
I, the LORD, have created it”
Submitted by: Rev. Grace Reyes
Let the earth open, let them bring forth salvation: God can send His blessing from every direction. It comes down from the heavens, it comes up from the earth.
Let us hear the call to creation, let us heed the call to revival, as we are still hoping we’ll wake up, still hoping we’ll open our eyes on a morning that tells us that it was all a horrible dream.
We are in a posture, not asking God to rescue our world, but begging him to do so and soon. We see and hear the countless stories, pondering them all in our minds. Recalling to our memories the stories of the faith heroes that have been rescued, Joseph from the pit to become a ruler, Daniel from the mouths of lions to greatness and how Joshua toppled the wall of Jericho. We remember the women at the tomb who found it empty and firsthand saw how Jesus defeated death.
Let it rain down during this pandemic and uncertainty of our health and finances, like the darkest days at the cross and how he turned it into the brightest days of hope. We are looking for God’s mercy to rain down upon our wary souls and ease our suffering. We know that it is important to see that salvation and righteousness always spring up together. When God brings salvation to a life, He also brings righteousness to that life. They spring up together.
We need to ask God to look kindly upon his church, for two thousand years he has used her to heal a hurting world and now we need healing in order to help and encourage others. We need revival! We say we are hungry for our days of old, the last six months seem like an eternity. We crave the days of “normal” even if it meant the days were filled with unmet expectations and emptiness. We must view our new normal as a real opportunity to bring a more intimate relationship with Christ. Let us not become like the Israelites when they were freed from bondage and then forgot to be grateful and complained.
Let us gather together and let the Holy Spirit pour down on us a brand-new day, an opportunity to take advantage of this spiritual awakening in Him. Let’s pray like we have never prayed before and seek his face. We can use this time to strengthen our walk and our faith.