Weep Tonight, Joy Comes in the Morning - Millie McFarland
“For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime!
Weeping may last through the night,
but joy comes with the morning.”
In the times we are living in more often than not, we go through difficult situations that cause us to cry and weep. So many of us have lost jobs, some are facing illness and some have lost loved ones. When you look at what you're going through it doesn't seem like it is going to get better anytime soon. We tend to look at things through our cardinal vision instead of seeing things through our spiritual eyes, where you can see the salvation of our Lord.
When you look around you and all you see is despair it's hard to see the silver lining in your situation. Can you picture a lifetime of blessing? It's truly hard to imagine, isn't it? We think of "seasons" of blessing; that come around every now and then, but God continually pours out His favor upon His children; we chose to see what We want to see. We have our share of problems, we have our ups and downs, our sorrows and joys, but God remains consistent; never changing, always the same.
We are emotional creatures we cry and weep in the bad times; and we tend to react according to our feelings instead of giving it to the ONE that knows us best. We only celebrate during the good times because that is what is in our human nature to do. Oh, if only we could remember that on the other end of every sorrow there is a joyful tomorrow; we wouldn't put ourselves through such agony.
Did you know that God gives us His extraordinary grace and favor even when we don't deserve it? God takes great pleasure in you and He wants to bless you above all you could ask or think. He is right there waiting for you, to love you and give you the desires of your heart. He will turn your mourning into dancing and your sorrow into joy. He will turn your darkest night into the brightest of days. So, no matter how dark your night and your problems may look; go ahead cry and weep, but hold on because joy is coming in the morning. Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4 KJV)