Even When We Don't See It...Your Working.. - Rev. Bernadette Towers
“ But the Lord is worthy of trust; he will make you firm and guard you from the Evil One.”
“But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.”
Devotional submitted by: Rev. Bernadette Towers
This is the day the LORD has made, and I will rejoice in it.
Monday morning during my devotion time, as I was praising God. The song Waymaker came on. And the words, even when I don’t see it, even when I can’t feel it, you never Stop, you never stop working caught my attention.
As I started to sing these words a vision came into my mind. I saw a box with puzzle pieces. I started to smile and laugh within myself. I thought about how often God used and uses the symbol of puzzles in my life, and I knew He was going to speak. As I began to praise Him, a vision came forth. In the vision I saw an arm and a hand. The arm was covered in white cloth, like a robe. The robe glittered, like diamonds in the sun. The hand was reaching into the box, that stood open and began taking the pieces out, one by one.
I thought how odd, one piece at a time. I pondered for a moment, then prayed. I asked God why He was taking them out piece by piece. It was at that moment that the book of Daniel came to mind, and the prince of the Persian kingdom came to view within my spirit.
I heard the voice of the Lord say, “I hear their cries, I see their confusion. I must touch each one and place them back where they belong. The prince of the air has scattered them, and caused, doubt, confusion, and fear.” Then He said to me, “listen my child, listen, see, and pray.” So, I prayed. I prayed for God’s will, and rebuked confusion and fear. I prayed and pondered the vision as I drove to work.
I arrived at work and as I opened my emails I heard the Lord’s voice once again. I stopped and wrote what I heard. He said, “every single person is important to Me, and they are important to each other. I created a mixture of color, texture, and style. Each one is gifted; each one makes a difference. I have placed some in the life of My children for a season, some for lessons, and some for life. I want My children to understand, every person is important and needs to be handled with care, and respect. Do not take them for granted.”
I felt a peace overcome me, and a joy. What an amazing reminder that God not only sees, and feels our pain, He is always watching over us and guiding us. How blessed are we to be the children of The Most High God. How blessed we are to have Him guide us.
I am grateful for all the people that God has placed in my life. I am grateful for those who have passed on, both family and friends. Grateful for the time I had with each of them. I am grateful for the difficult people, who at times frustrated me, but taught me so many lessons. I am truly grateful for all my friends and family who are in my life now. No matter what happens, I know that my life has been enriched by so many wonderful people and many have left a fingerprint in and on my life. I thank God for His vision, for reminding me how important we are to Him, and to each other. We are Blessed!