Posts tagged victorious
Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Ruth Doran

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV

Scripture and prayer submitted by Ruth Doran

Theme: Thanks giving

Father God,

Thank You for Your great love and blessings over our lives.

Thank You that Your favor has no end, but lasts for our entire lifetime.

Forgive us for sometimes forgetting that You are intimately acquainted with all of our ways,

that You know what concerns us and You cover us with a shield.

We ask that we would walk in Your blessing and goodness today.

Let Your face shine upon us.

Open the  right doors for our lives and our loved ones. 

Please close the wrong doors and protect us from those from whom we need to walk away.

Establish the work of our hands and bring to fulfillment all that You have given us to do in these days.

We pray that You would make our way purposeful and our footsteps firm out of your goodness and love.
Give us hearts of wisdom to hear your voice, and make us strong by Your favor and grace.

In Jesus' name we pray,


“Dad gracias en toda circunstancia; porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para con vosotros en Cristo Jesús”.

1 Tesalonicenses 5:18 NVI

Escritura y oración presentada por Ruth Doran

Tema: Acción de Gracias

Dios padre,

Gracias por Tu gran amor y bendiciones sobre nuestras vidas.

Gracias porque Tu favor no tiene fin, sino que dura toda nuestra vida.

Perdónanos por olvidar a veces que Tú conoces íntimamente todos nuestros caminos, que sabes lo que nos concierne y nos cubres con un escudo.

Te pedimos que hoy caminemos en Tu bendición y bondad.

Deja que tu rostro brille sobre nosotros. Abre las puertas adecuadas para nuestras vidas y las de nuestros seres queridos.

Por favor, cierra las puertas equivocadas y protégenos de aquellos de quienes debemos alejarnos.

Establece la obra de nuestras manos y lleva a cumplimiento todo lo que Tú nos has dado para hacer en estos días.

Oramos para que hagas que nuestro camino tenga un propósito y nuestros pasos sean firmes gracias a tu bondad y amor. Danos corazones de sabiduría para escuchar tu voz y haznos fuertes con tu favor y gracia.

En el nombre de Jesús oramos,


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Virginia Giordano

“So they said, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus, and then you will be saved, with your household.”

Acts 16:31

Theme: Believe

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Virginia Giordano

Dear Father in heaven, we thank you for the blessings you give us on earth, for it is through your gifts and work, and through the work of your children, that we can believe and be saved. Protect us here in our household. Let us make allowances for one another in love and spare no effort to maintain unity in the Spirit through the bond of peace. Grant us new strength and new gifts whenever we need them on the path you have set for us. Grant that we may rejoice and trust in you until we reach the goal. Amen

“Entonces ellos dijeron: 'Cree en el Señor Jesús, y entonces serás salvo, con tu casa.'

Hechos 16:31

Tema: Creer

Escritura y oración enviada por: Virginia Giordano

Querido Padre que estás en los cielos, te damos gracias por las bendiciones que nos das en la tierra, porque es a través de tus dones y obra, ya través de la obra de tus hijos, que podemos creer y ser salvos. Protégenos aquí en nuestro hogar. Seamos indulgentes unos con otros en el amor y no escatimemos esfuerzos para mantener la unidad en el Espíritu a través del vínculo de la paz. Concédenos nuevas fuerzas y nuevos dones siempre que los necesitemos en el camino que nos has trazado. Haz que podamos regocijarnos y confiar en ti hasta que alcancemos la meta. Amén

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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Tomas Reyes, Jr.

The name of the LORD is a strong tower;

the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”

Proverbs 18:10 ESV

Scripture and Prayer submitted by Tomas Reyes, Jr.

“New Beginnings”

Lord, I praise your Holy name and welcome your Holy Spirit to steer and guide me to do your will. As this world that we live in now continues to go downhill regarding our spirituality and devotion to you, as we continually move away from your mandates and life-style requirements and stray towards the sometimes demon-possessed modern lifestyle options which give short-lived artificial pleasures, we all certainly do need a strong tower to rescue us where we can be safe, where we can live in blessings. Where we can be blessed with good health, guidance by your Holy Spirit, peace, true prosperity, and the love of family. Allow us to understand and appreciate that the guidance of your Holy Spirit is to our benefit and ultimately to the benefit of the entire community.

As we embark on a new year and we, collectively, begin to examine and take stock of what our goals should be, please push us to review and re-examine our spiritual relationship with you Lord so that we may truly appreciate your name and it being a strong tower that will shield us from all the darkness around us and keep us safe! Amen

“El nombre del SEÑOR es una torre fuerte;

el justo corre hacia él y está a salvo”.

Proverbios 18:10 NVI

Escritura y Oración presentados por Tomas Reyes, Jr.

"Nuevos comienzos"

Señor, alabo tu Santo nombre y doy la bienvenida a tu Espíritu Santo para que me guíe y me guíe a hacer tu voluntad. A medida que este mundo en el que vivimos ahora continúa decayendo con respecto a nuestra espiritualidad y devoción hacia usted, a medida que nos alejamos continuamente de sus mandatos y requisitos de estilo de vida y nos desviamos hacia las opciones de estilo de vida modernas, a veces poseídas por demonios, que dan vida artificial de corta duración. placeres, ciertamente todos necesitamos una torre fuerte que nos rescate donde podamos estar seguros, donde podamos vivir en bendiciones. Donde podamos ser bendecidos con buena salud, la guía de tu Espíritu Santo, la paz, la verdadera prosperidad y el amor de familia. Permítenos comprender y apreciar que la guía de tu Espíritu Santo es para nuestro beneficio y, en última instancia, para el beneficio de toda la comunidad.

A medida que nos embarcamos en un nuevo año y nosotros, colectivamente, comenzamos a examinar y hacer un balance de cuáles deberían ser nuestras metas, por favor, anímanos a revisar y reexaminar nuestra relación espiritual contigo, Señor, para que podamos apreciar verdaderamente tu nombre y tu nombre. siendo una torre fuerte que nos protegerá de toda la oscuridad que nos rodea y nos mantendrá a salvo! Amén

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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Arlene Carillo

“I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭119:11‬ ‭

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Arlene Carillo

"God's Mercy"

Father God, in the name of Jesus. I thank you for the Mercy you have shown me everyday. I thank you for all the times that I personally know and for all of the unknown times; I didn't deserve your Mercy, but you still gave it to me.

Father I pray that your people will repent and grab hold of the undeniable mercy and love you have for them, so that we can move according to your will for our lives.

As the scripture says above, let us store your word in our hearts that we may not sin against you. Give us an appetite to go after your word more, to learn and grow in you more.

In the name of Jesus. Amen!

“He guardado tu palabra en mi corazón, para no pecar contra ti.”

Salmo 119:11

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Arlene Carillo

"Gracia de Dios"

Padre Dios, en el nombre de Jesús. Te agradezco por la Misericordia que me has mostrado todos los días. Te agradezco por todos los tiempos que personalmente conozco y por todos los tiempos desconocidos; No merecí tu Misericordia, pero aun así me la diste.

Padre, oro para que tu pueblo se arrepienta y se aferre a la misericordia y el amor innegables que tienes por ellos, para que podamos movernos de acuerdo con tu voluntad para nuestras vidas.

Como dice la escritura arriba, guardemos tu palabra en nuestros corazones para que no pequemos contra ti. Danos apetito para ir más tras tu palabra, para aprender y crecer más en ti.

En el nombre de Jesus. ¡Amén!

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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Romaneyce Bryant (14 years old)

“Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.”

Psalm 27:13 NLT

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Romaneyce Bryant (14 years old)


Dear God, I thank you for your love that is unconditional. I also want to thank you for your grace that is free and undeserved. There is nothing that I have to do to get your grace; how awesome is that. You are great and full of glory. You are kind and good to me. I am thankful to see your goodness while I live on a day to day basis.

Your goodness is all around us. I see it in every new day and the brand new mercy you give each day. I see it in the birds that chirp, the sun that rises and in the moon in the night. I see it in every provision, whether it be the clothes we wear, the food we eat and the shelter while we sleep. Yes, your goodness is everywhere. How can I ever doubt YOU exist?? Never YOU are God over all and I see Your goodness in the air that I breathe and in my heartbeat. Thank you for letting me see your goodness in the land of the living!!

I love you! In Jesus' name.


“Sin embargo, confío en que veré la bondad del Señor mientras esté aquí en la tierra de los vivientes”.

Salmos 27:13 NTV

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Romaneyce Bryant (14 años)


Querido Dios, te agradezco por tu amor que es incondicional. También quiero agradecerte por tu gracia que es gratuita e inmerecida. No hay nada que deba hacer para obtener tu gracia; que genial es eso Eres grande y lleno de gloria. Eres amable y bueno conmigo. Estoy agradecido de ver tu bondad mientras vivo día a día.

Tu bondad está a nuestro alrededor. Lo veo en cada nuevo día y la nueva misericordia que das cada día. Lo veo en los pájaros que cantan, el sol que sale y la luna en la noche. Lo veo en cada provisión, ya sea en la ropa que usamos, la comida que comemos y el refugio mientras dormimos. Sí, tu bondad está en todas partes. ¿Cómo puedo dudar de que USTED existe? Nunca TÚ eres Dios sobre todo y veo Tu bondad en el aire que respiro y en el latido de mi corazón. Gracias por dejarme ver tu bondad en la tierra de los vivos!!

¡Te quiero! En el nombre de Jesus.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Rev. Bernadette Towers

“You are my hiding place;
You shall preserve me from trouble;
You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah”

Psalm 32:7 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Bernadette Towers

Theme: "Be Encouraged, We Are Victorious"

Gracious Jehovah, we praise your Holy and Righteous name. We praise you for your love that keeps us. We thank you God, for you are our hiding place and you preserve us from trouble. You surround us with songs of deliverance. You are our wonderful, loving, honest, kind, gentle and a Holy, Righteous judge.

In the mighty name of Christ Jesus I lift up your children before you, asking and trusting you to keep each from harm, dangerous situations and all schemes from the enemy. I plead the blood of Jesus over all of your children and their children. No weapon form against us or our families will prosper. You will deliver us, protect us and help us.

We walk in faith, good health, strength and peace. We have favor, we are filled with purpose. All that we do for you and your Kingdom, with a pure heart will be successful and prosper. You have and will bless us. You have and will supply all of our needs according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. We are victorious! We are the children of the One True God!!! We are BLESSED!

LORD, we know that you desire all to be saved. It's not your will that any should parish but that all should come into repentance. We pray for this great nation, and for all people everywhere. We pray that you soften their hearts and open up their minds. We pray an outpouring of your Holy Spirit to fall upon people everywhere. That they will come to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. We pray for our love ones, our families, our coworkers, our neighbors and our government.

LORD, we pray that we be a light that shines in the darkness, that we will be a Beacon of hope for those who are in distress, and for those who are broken, that we would bring comfort. Help us to make a difference for your Kingdoms glory. Thank You Abba God.


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