Posts tagged Jesus Christ
Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Carmen Rosita Cornacchia

“This means that anyone that belongs in Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, a new life has begun”.

 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Carmen Rosita Cornacchia

“New Beginnings”

Father almighty, Please let these words come through! This new year brings new insights and events that you have already orchestrated for our lives. You bring us through the seasons of joy, introspection, completion and also through times of grief, indecision and illnesses. As each day of the calendar changes, our faith will prepare us for each day. With our love and trust for you, you not only navigate the hours of the day, but also the precious moments from sunrise to sunset. Your love makes us complete as we observe in awe the gift of a new day and year. 

Lord, our past teaches us lessons. Your loving arms around us encourage us to not fall back but to move forward. You have given us discernment to “rise up” and to not continue to get anchored in the past. We have one goal and that is to share eternal life with you. Our journey towards eternal life will not always be easy, but Lord I know you are right beside me. You have shown me signs along the path to stay the course if we choose. All we simply have to do is abide by your sacred word. The Bible is our “to go to guide” for life.

Father, please pray for your humble servants as we maneuver each day. You are at the “helm” of the ship that steers our moments and choices. The new year will bring many of your wonders for our lives and also prepare us for our downfalls along the way. Lord, continue to shine your light in our presence. Each gift of a new day is a sign of your love for his children. Let us, your children, honor you by fulfilling your purpose for our lives. In this way, a new life has truly begun. With many blessings, Lord. 


“Esto significa que cualquiera que pertenece a Cristo se ha convertido en una nueva persona. La vieja vida se ha ido, una nueva vida ha comenzado”.

2 Corintios 5:17 NTV

Escritura y oración enviada por: Carmen Rosita Cornacchia

"Nuevos comienzos"

Padre todopoderoso, ¡por favor deja que estas palabras lleguen! Este nuevo año trae nuevos conocimientos y eventos que ya has orquestado para nuestras vidas. Nos llevas a través de las estaciones de alegría, introspección, realización y también a través de momentos de dolor, indecisión y enfermedades. A medida que cambia cada día del calendario, nuestra fe nos preparará para cada día. Con nuestro amor y confianza por ti, no solo navegas las horas del día, sino también los preciosos momentos desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. Tu amor nos completa mientras observamos con asombro el regalo de un nuevo día y año.

Señor, nuestro pasado nos enseña lecciones. Tus brazos amorosos que nos rodean nos animan a no retroceder sino a seguir adelante. Nos has dado discernimiento para “levantarnos” y no seguir anclados en el pasado. Tenemos una meta y esa es compartir la vida eterna contigo. Nuestro viaje hacia la vida eterna no siempre será fácil, pero Señor, sé que estás a mi lado. Me has mostrado señales a lo largo del camino para mantener el rumbo si así lo elegimos. Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es acatar tu sagrada palabra. La Biblia es nuestro “ir a guía” para la vida.

Padre, ora por tus humildes servidores mientras maniobramos cada día. Estás al mando del barco que dirige nuestros momentos y elecciones. El nuevo año traerá muchas de tus maravillas para nuestras vidas y también nos preparará para nuestras caídas en el camino. Señor, continúa brillando tu luz en nuestra presencia. Cada regalo de un nuevo día es una señal de vuestro amor por sus hijos. Permítenos, tus hijos, honrarte cumpliendo tu propósito para nuestras vidas. De esta manera, una nueva vida ha comenzado verdaderamente. Con muchas bendiciones, Señor.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Virginia Giordano

Scripture readings for my father:

"Have I not told you: Be strong and stand firm? Be fearless and undaunted, for go where you may, Yahweh your God is with you."

Joshua 1:9

"We remember before our God and Father how active is the faith, how unsparing the love, how persevering the hope which you have from our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 Thessalonians 1:3

"My dear friends, let us love one another, since love is from God and everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God."

1 John 4:7

"all that is good, all that is perfect, is given us from above; it comes down from the Father of all light; with him there is no such thing as alteration, no shadow caused by change."

James 1:17

Scripture readings for my brothers:

"Continue to love each other like brothers,2 and remember always to welcome strangers, for by doing this, some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

Hebrews 13:1-2

“We have recognized for ourselves, and put our faith in, the love God has for us. God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.”

1 John 2:16

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Virginia Giordano

This request to write a prayer for my father and father figure(s) has been a little difficult. You see, I always had 3 father figures at home when I was growing up. How can this be, you may ask?

I have to say, my father Dominic, was the most compassionate, kind, generous, caring and loving man I ever knew. He not only took care of my family, my mother, my 2 brothers and me, but he also took care of his parents and family, and also my mother’s family too. My father was not a rich man, but he was rich in his faith and his love and devotion to Our Dear God. And God always provided with His love and understanding, healing and strength.

So, this is a little bit of who my father was, and there is so much more to his life, but then, I would be writing a book instead. So, now to my 2 other father figures, my brothers. My brother Bob was born in 1939 and Richard in 1941. I was born in 1947. So respectively, there were 8 and 6 years between us.

When my father was working, it was my mother and my brothers I would turn to. My brothers protected me, took care of me, watched over me and also teased me to no end, but they always loved me.

I always turned to my father, he was always there for me. As I’m writing this, I’m remembering all the love we all shared through our lives, and our love of God. My Dad passed away in 2003 at the age of 93, and reflecting on what he said to us, to love one another, to help one another and always have God and the Holy Spirit in our lives.

My brother Bob passed away in 2012 at the age of 71. His love and faith in God was shared with me when he was alive, and it is still with me today. So now it’s my brother Richard and me and the bond we have could never be stronger. He has his family, 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters and the love of his family is a dedication to the love my father shared with us.

My Prayer:

I thank you my dearest Lord, for giving me and my brothers the most loving father, whose love for you gave us the love and devotion we have for you today and always. I love you Dad, from the time I was born until the day we are together in Heaven with Our Dear Lord Jesus.

In Jesus' name. Amen

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Oue Daily Prayer for Saturday - Rev. Millie McFarland

“God’s grace provides for the barren ones a joyful home with children so that even childless couples find a family. He makes them happy parents surrounded by their pride and joy. That’s the God we praise, so give it all to him!”

Psalm 113:9 TPT

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of life. I thank you for providing a way for those children that find themselves motherless. You are a good, merciful and faithful Father. Your love surrounds us and it fills our life with hope.

Father, Mother’s Day was just a few days ago and I know it is difficult for some women who may desire to be a mother, but who face the inability to bear children. So many have tried and when they realize that they are unable too bear a child they find themselves in a desperate position. In this passage of scripture, Father God, you describe how You give women great joy, even those who experience the pain of barrenness. God, you also know our inner thoughts, our feelings and exactly what we need.

So, Father I pray you open up a door for a woman desiring to be a mother, and let her be a mother figure to someone that lost their mother. Let her be a mother to a child waiting to be adopted. Let her be a prayer mother to a child at church that needs a godly mother figure to cover them in prayer. Father, there are so many that need a mother figure so guide these barren mothers to someone in need of their love.

Father, I thank you for all of the mothers and for all the mother figures. I pray that you bless them abundantly and give them joy, hope and peace. I give you all the honor, glory and praise. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


“La gracia de Dios proporciona a los estériles un hogar alegre con hijos para que incluso las parejas sin hijos encuentren una familia. Él los convierte en padres felices rodeados de su orgullo y alegría. ¡Ese es el Dios que alabamos, así que entrégaselo todo a él!

Salmo 113:9 TPT

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rev. Millie McFarland

Padre Celestial, te doy gracias por el regalo de la vida. Te agradezco por proporcionar un camino para esos niños que se encuentran sin madre. Eres un Padre bueno, misericordioso y fiel. Tu amor nos rodea y llena nuestra vida de esperanza.

Padre, el Día de la Madre fue hace solo unos días y sé que es difícil para algunas mujeres que pueden desear ser madre, pero que enfrentan la incapacidad de tener hijos. Muchos lo han intentado y cuando se dan cuenta de que no pueden tener un hijo, se encuentran en una posición desesperada. En este pasaje de la Escritura, Dios Padre, describe cómo das a las mujeres una gran alegría, incluso a aquellas que experimentan el dolor de la esterilidad. Dios, también conoces nuestros pensamientos internos, nuestros sentimientos y exactamente lo que necesitamos.

Entonces, Padre, te pido que abras una puerta para una mujer que desea ser madre y que la dejes ser una figura materna para alguien que perdió a su madre. Déjala ser madre de un niño que espera ser adoptado. Déjala ser una madre de oración para un niño en la iglesia que necesita una figura materna piadosa para cubrirlo en oración. Padre, hay tantos que necesitan una figura materna, así que guía a estas madres estériles hacia alguien que necesite su amor.

Padre, te agradezco por todas las madres y por todas las figuras maternas. Te pido que los bendigas abundantemente y les des alegría, esperanza y paz. Te doy todo el honor, la gloria y la alabanza. En el nombre poderoso de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Maria Melendez

“And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. 6 And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. 7 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.”

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 NLT

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Maria Melendez

Almighty Father, we thank you for mothers today. We thank you so much for giving us our mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and spiritual mothers. Our mother's love and influence helped us to become who we are today.

We pray for every mother and mother figure to share your word, and teach children what it means to have the love of Christ, and the compassion for others the way Jesus has compassion for us. Often times as children we do not understand and do not realize how much our mothers are praying for our well-being, our health, and are interceding in our behalf.

May all mothers be blessed with wisdom and guidance as they in turn give their children the teachings of God. We are living through difficult times and pray for strength, peace, love, and understanding for our mothers and all families today. Comfort those that needs comforting. Strengthen those that are weak. Pour your Holy Spirit on Mothers and families.

We pray this all in Jesus' name.


“Y debes amar al SEÑOR tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con todas tus fuerzas. 6 Y debéis comprometeros de todo corazón con estos mandatos que os doy hoy. 7 Repítelas una y otra vez a tus hijos. Habla de ellos cuando estés en casa y cuando estés de viaje, cuando te vayas a la cama y cuando te levantes”.

Deuteronomio 6:5-7 NTV

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: María Meléndez

Padre todopoderoso, te damos gracias por las madres de hoy. Te agradecemos mucho por darnos a nuestras madres, abuelas, madrinas y madres espirituales. El amor y la influencia de nuestra madre nos ayudaron a convertirnos en lo que somos hoy.

Oramos por cada madre y figura materna para compartir tu palabra y enseñar a los niños lo que significa tener el amor de Cristo y la compasión por los demás de la manera en que Jesús tiene compasión por nosotros. Muchas veces de niños no entendemos y no nos damos cuenta de lo mucho que nuestras madres están orando por nuestro bienestar, nuestra salud e intercediendo por nosotros.

Que todas las madres sean bendecidas con sabiduría y guía al dar a sus hijos las enseñanzas de Dios. Estamos viviendo momentos difíciles y rezamos hoy por fortaleza, paz, amor y comprensión para nuestras madres y todas las familias. Consuela a los que necesitan consuelo. Fortalece a los que son débiles. Derrama tu Espíritu Santo sobre las Madres y las familias.

Oramos todo esto en el nombre de Jesús.


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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Maria Melendez

“Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, 9 who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, 10 and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,”

2 Timothy 1:8-10 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Maria Melendez

"Jesus & His Resurrection"

Lord Jesus, Oh Lamb of God. My Savior, my Redeemer. You shed your blood for me. There are not enough words that could express my gratitude for all that you sacrificed. You stood before the Father on my behalf and were not ashamed. Your grace and mercy saved me.

Lord, change my attitude to deal with compassion when facing a difficult situation. Create in me a heart of gentle love and kindness and, show me how I may be a witness of Your love, both with my actions as well as my words. Protect me that I do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility and to regard the needs of the other as more important than my own. I pray that I may love others with a Christ-like love.

As Christians we are called to share the good news of salvation and how enriched our lives are. I am so grateful that all it took was a step of faith, a believing heart, and an open mind to know you Lord. Give me the ability to proclaim your gospel with boldness. Your goodness, grace, and mercy surround me daily. I put all my trust in you. Thank you for loving, saving, and forgiving a sinner like me.

In Your Mighty Name.


“Por tanto, no te avergüences de dar testimonio de nuestro Señor, ni de mí, preso suyo, sino participa de las aflicciones por el evangelio por el poder de Dios, 9 quien nos salvó y llamó con llamamiento santo, no por nuestras obras, sino por el propósito suyo y la gracia que nos dio en Cristo Jesús antes de los siglos de los siglos, 10 y que ahora se ha manifestado por la aparición de nuestro Salvador Cristo Jesús, el cual quitó la muerte y sacó a luz la vida y la inmortalidad por el evangelio, ”

2 Timoteo 1:8-10 NVI

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: María Melendez

"Jesús y su resurrección"

Señor Jesús, oh Cordero de Dios. Mi Salvador, mi Redentor. Tú derramaste tu sangre por mí. No hay suficientes palabras que puedan expresar mi gratitud por todo lo que sacrificaste. Te presentaste ante el Padre en mi nombre y no te avergonzaste. Tu gracia y misericordia me salvaron.

Señor, cambia mi actitud para tratar con compasión cuando enfrente una situación difícil. Crea en mí un corazón de amor tierno y bondadoso y muéstrame cómo puedo ser testigo de Tu amor, tanto con mis acciones como con mis palabras. Protégeme que no haga nada por egoísmo o vanidad, sino con humildad y considerando las necesidades de los demás como más importantes que las mías. Oro para poder amar a los demás con un amor como el de Cristo.

Como cristianos, estamos llamados a compartir las buenas nuevas de salvación y cuán enriquecidas son nuestras vidas. Estoy tan agradecida de que todo lo que se necesitó fue un paso de fe, un corazón creyente y una mente abierta para conocerte Señor. Dame la capacidad de proclamar tu evangelio con audacia. Tu bondad, gracia y misericordia me rodean a diario. Pongo toda mi confianza en ti. Gracias por amar, salvar y perdonar a un pecador como yo.

En Tu Nombre Poderoso.


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Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Christy Calloway

"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you."

Mark 16:6-7 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Christy Calloway

"Jesus & His Resurrection"

Father God, I praise you. I give you all the honor and glory. Thank you so much for all you do for me and my family and others. Thank you for your unconditional love, that you have for us even when we don't deserve it. Thank you for being a constant companion and most of all thank you for never changing. You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Father God, my prayer was as we celebrated Easter this year that millions would truly understand the reality of it all and decide to give their lives to Christ. I pray for all of our unsaved family members and friends. Father God knock on the door of their hearts and draw them to you, so that none may perish but all have everlasting life.

Jesus, already made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us a long time ago. He defeated death and rose from the dead. Because of His sacrifice our faith is greater and stronger. We have joy, salvation, and the promise of eternal life and proof that the word of God is true.

Jesus taught the disciples so much when He was among them and he wanted their joy to be complete and our joy. This still holds true today. He wants what's best for all of us. For all of us, His blood was shed.

I pray that someone reading or hearing this today may hear something they never heard before and decide to make a change in their life. Yes, his blood was shed for you too. Ask yourself, do you want to be lost forever or do you want to know that you know you will end up in a better place with our Father in heaven. Jesus has already proved how much He loves us. His arms are always wide open.

In John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever live by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?

Choose life everlasting. If only one person changes their life today it would be wonderful. My prayer and hope is for many. Just think we will forever be with God.

Hallelujah! Father this is my prayer. I ask all things in your precious Son JESUS' name.


"No se alarmen", dijo. "Buscáis a Jesús el Nazareno, que fue crucificado. ¡Ha resucitado! No está aquí. Mirad el lugar donde le pusieron. Pero id, decid a sus discípulos y a Pedro: El va delante de vosotros a Galilea. lo veré, tal como él te dijo".

Marcos 16:6-7 NVI

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Christy Calloway

"Jesús y su resurrección"

Padre Dios, te alabo. Te doy todo el honor y la gloria. Muchas gracias por todo lo que haces por mí, mi familia y los demás. Gracias por tu amor incondicional, que nos tienes aun cuando no lo merecemos. Gracias por ser un compañero constante y sobre todo gracias por nunca cambiar. Eres el Rey de Reyes y el Señor de Señores.

Padre Dios, mientras celebrábamos la Pascua este año, mi oración fue que millones realmente comprendieran la realidad de todo esto y decidieran entregar sus vidas a Cristo. Oro por todos nuestros familiares y amigos no salvos. Dios Padre, llama a la puerta de sus corazones y atráelos hacia ti, para que ninguno se pierda, sino que todos tengan vida eterna.

Jesús, ya hizo el último sacrificio por todos nosotros hace mucho tiempo. Derrotó a la muerte y resucitó de entre los muertos. Por Su sacrificio nuestra fe es más grande y más fuerte. Tenemos gozo, salvación y la promesa de vida eterna y prueba de que la palabra de Dios es verdadera.

Jesús enseñó mucho a los discípulos cuando estaba entre ellos y quería que su alegría fuera completa y nuestra alegría. Esto sigue siendo cierto hoy en día. Él quiere lo mejor para todos nosotros. Por todos nosotros, Su sangre fue derramada.

Oro para que alguien que lea o escuche esto hoy pueda escuchar algo que nunca antes había escuchado y decida hacer un cambio en su vida. Sí, su sangre también fue derramada por ti. Pregúntate a ti mismo, ¿quieres perderte para siempre o quieres saber que sabes que terminarás en un lugar mejor con nuestro Padre en el cielo? Jesús ya ha demostrado cuánto nos ama. Sus brazos siempre están abiertos de par en par.

En Juan 11:25-26 Jesús le dijo Yo soy la resurrección y la vida. El que cree en mí vivirá, aunque muera; y el que vive creyendo en mí, no morirá jamás. ¿Cree usted esto?

Elige la vida eterna. Si tan solo una persona cambiara su vida hoy sería maravilloso. Mi oración y esperanza es para muchos. Solo piensa que estaremos para siempre con Dios.

¡Aleluya! Padre esta es mi oración. Todo lo pido en el nombre de tu precioso Hijo JESÚS.


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