Posts tagged hoky
Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Romaneyce Bryant (14 years old)

“Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.”

Psalm 27:13 NLT

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Romaneyce Bryant (14 years old)


Dear God, I thank you for your love that is unconditional. I also want to thank you for your grace that is free and undeserved. There is nothing that I have to do to get your grace; how awesome is that. You are great and full of glory. You are kind and good to me. I am thankful to see your goodness while I live on a day to day basis.

Your goodness is all around us. I see it in every new day and the brand new mercy you give each day. I see it in the birds that chirp, the sun that rises and in the moon in the night. I see it in every provision, whether it be the clothes we wear, the food we eat and the shelter while we sleep. Yes, your goodness is everywhere. How can I ever doubt YOU exist?? Never YOU are God over all and I see Your goodness in the air that I breathe and in my heartbeat. Thank you for letting me see your goodness in the land of the living!!

I love you! In Jesus' name.


“Sin embargo, confío en que veré la bondad del Señor mientras esté aquí en la tierra de los vivientes”.

Salmos 27:13 NTV

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Romaneyce Bryant (14 años)


Querido Dios, te agradezco por tu amor que es incondicional. También quiero agradecerte por tu gracia que es gratuita e inmerecida. No hay nada que deba hacer para obtener tu gracia; que genial es eso Eres grande y lleno de gloria. Eres amable y bueno conmigo. Estoy agradecido de ver tu bondad mientras vivo día a día.

Tu bondad está a nuestro alrededor. Lo veo en cada nuevo día y la nueva misericordia que das cada día. Lo veo en los pájaros que cantan, el sol que sale y la luna en la noche. Lo veo en cada provisión, ya sea en la ropa que usamos, la comida que comemos y el refugio mientras dormimos. Sí, tu bondad está en todas partes. ¿Cómo puedo dudar de que USTED existe? Nunca TÚ eres Dios sobre todo y veo Tu bondad en el aire que respiro y en el latido de mi corazón. Gracias por dejarme ver tu bondad en la tierra de los vivos!!

¡Te quiero! En el nombre de Jesus.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Millie McFarland

“because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal Father, I come into your presence rejoicing and praising your Holy name. I thank you for my salvation through your Son Jesus Christ. I thank you for bringing me through my good and bad times. You are a good, good Father.

Father, I lift up all those that need salvation. I pray that you reveal yourself to them and draw them close by your precious Holy Spirit. I pray that they believe in their hearts and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Save them Lord, the way you have saved me. Minister to each in a personal way and reassure them that they are not alone and you are right there with them. I rebuke the curse of bondage and sin; break every chain. I speak life into their situation; set them free and let them live in you, Lord.

Father, I thank you for hearing my hearts cry and answering my prayers. I thank you for saving each person that heeds this clarion call. Father, I can't thank you enough for restoring my soul and for saving me. I thank you for taking care of me and for always providing for me. I magnify and worship your Holy name. I lay this prayer at your throne room. In Jesus mighty name.


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Our Daily Prayer Wednesday - Millie McFarland

“Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”

Psalms 46:10

Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Gracious Father, I exalt your Holy name. I praise you for who you are. You are high and lifted up and your train fills the temple. The word says to be still and know you are God. Father we are still, and we are in awe of you. You cause the sun to shine, the winds to blow,  mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of your name. Nothing is impossible for you. We will bless your name at all times and your praise shall continually be in our mouths. 

Father, we give you glory and we thank you for letting us see the start of a new day. We thank you for keeping us safe from all harm. We thank you for giving us the strength to go through this Pandemic. We thank you for being our provision during this difficult time we find ourselves in.

Father, we recognize that many people are struggling during this time, due to lack of work. We lift them up right now and pray that you provide for their every need. Lord, we know there are many sick during this time; lay your healing hands on their body and raise them up. We plead the blood over their sick body and declare total healing. Father, we know there are many grieving during this time; because of the loss of a loved one. Give them comfort, strength and peace that only you the Prince of Peace can give. Give them a reassurance that you are with them and cover them with your love.

Gracious Father we thank you for your faithfulness in our lives. We exalt your name above the heavens and earth. We thank you for your saving grace and your tender mercy and we lay our cares and burdens at your feet. We love and praise you for all you do. In Jesus Mighty name. Amen

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