Posts tagged Holy Sprit
Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Geraldine Lancey

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

Luke 11:13 NIV

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Geraldine Lancey

Come Holy Spirit and fill me with the fire of your love. I have surrendered to the best of my ability. I now need your power in my life. I can upon you to guide and strengthen me as I navigate my way in this life.

All that you are is within me, my life flows from you. Give me opportunities to use your gifts wisely. Let me use these gifts wisely. Let me use these gifts to reveal your love and mercy. Work in me in a powerful way.

Compassionate Holy Spirit, thank you for being my comforter, my intercessor, and my companion. Thank you for your presence with me flowing freely in me and through me. I know that nothing is possible without; and all things are possible with our amazing triune God. Amen

Pues si vosotros, siendo malos, sabéis dar buenas dádivas a vuestros hijos, ¡cuánto más vuestro Padre que está en los cielos dará el Espíritu Santo a los que se lo pidan!”

Lucas 11:13 NVI

Texto bíblico y oración presentado por: Geraldine Lancey

Ven Espíritu Santo y lléname con el fuego de tu amor. Me he rendido lo mejor que he podido. Ahora necesito tu poder en mi vida. Puedo pedirte que me guíes y me fortalezcas mientras navego por mi camino en esta vida.

Todo lo que eres está dentro de mí, mi vida fluye de ti. Dame oportunidades para usar tus dones sabiamente. Déjame usar estos dones sabiamente. Permíteme usar estos dones para revelar tu amor y misericordia. Trabaja en mí de una manera poderosa.

Compasivo Espíritu Santo, gracias por ser mi consolador, mi intercesor y mi compañero. Gracias por tu presencia conmigo fluyendo libremente en mí ya través de mí. Sé que nada es posible sin; y todas las cosas son posibles con nuestro maravilloso trino Dios. Amén

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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Minister Alexander LaLuz

"But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful."

Romans 5:8 CEV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz

Theme: "God's Unconditional Love"

O Holy God, I lift my head to thee in reverence, praise and worship. I thank you God for demonstrating the ultimate "unconditional love." You gave Your Son to die for our sins and You show us new mercies everyday.

God, I thank you for setting the example for us all in how to "love" without expectations and conditions. "Unconditional love" is powerful; it gives us hope, courage and a confidence that no matter what, "I am loved." That is the "love" I received from you my Lord, the moment I accepted you as my personal Savior. I thank you Almighty God for this "unconditional love" you freely give to me. It is my prayer that all may come to know you and experience the "love" I found.

Lord, I dedicate this prayer to you and I ask that you visit each person that reads this page and that you show them your "unconditional love." I ask if they need deliverance, that you deliver them. I ask if they need salvation, save them. I ask if any are sick, heal them. I ask if any are grieving, comfort them. Lord, do what you do and grace them with your "love." In Jesus name I lift up this prayer.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Rev. Bernadette Towers

“Praised be God, Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, who, in keeping with his great mercy, has caused us, through the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah from the dead, to be born again to a living hope,”

1 Peter (Kefa) 1:3 CJB

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Bernadette Towers

Gracious Abba Father, praise and glory be to Your Holy Righteous name. Abba, you are great! And greatly to be praised! You are our living hope!

LORD God, Thank you for seeing us through to a new year, thank you for the hope that we have in you, in Christ, and in the Holy Spirit. We are a blessed people!

Jehovah, in the mighty name of Christ Jesus I come before you and I lift up this entire nation before you. I pray for all people to come to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. I pray for a spirit of righteousness and holiness to rain down upon the USA. I pray we surrender and submit to You. LORD, we need You. This nation needs You. I pray for a Revival to hit our government. I pray that this government will serve and acknowledged You gracious Jehovah.

LORD, I also lift up your children. I pray that you continue to watch over us, keep us, keep us in a sound mind, help us to stay focused on the Kingdom and Your will for us. LORD, give us a hunger to seek your face, and to live according to your designed for us. May we walk in the spirit, and not in the flesh. May we seek to please you and not ourself.

Help us to make this year, be a year that we grow deeper in love with you, become more Christ like, and read Your Holy Word daily. Help us become Mighty Warriors, seeking souls and winning the Lost. Sharing your love, and hope.

Anoint us fresh, to help those that are broken, uplifting those that are discouraged, helping those in need and become a blessing to all we meet and know. LORD, help us be the light that shines. Help us to reflect Christ in all we do and say. In the matchless name of Christ Jesus.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Darrell Guiont

“But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

1 Peter 1:15-16 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Darrell Guiont

Theme: "Holy"

Precious Father, we come before you Lord God, giving you honor and praise for all that you've done for us. I thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me; thank you because I realize if it wasn't for you Lord God, we would be nowhere.

I just want to take this time out to give you thanks and praise Lord God, praising you for all that you have done for us; realizing that you called us to be "Holy" because you are "Holy". Lord God I want to walk worthy in the vocation that you have called me to be, and be not entangled in the yoke of bondage. I will ask you to forgive us of all unrighteousness.

I pray Lord God, that the enemy will flee and you will help us to be strong. Lord help us to keep our minds stayed on you; your word tells us, if we keep our minds on you, you would keep us in perfect peace. I just want to thank You Lord God, because I'm ever so grateful for your love, your protection, and your covering; that you have blessed me with.

Lord God, as this holiday season comes we just want to give you all the glory; realizing that we have hope, joy and peace in you. if it wasn't for your death, burial and resurrection we would have no hope, salvation or eternal life. I thank and praise you for all of these things. In Jesus name we pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Millie McFarland

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:1-2 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Theme: "Sacrifice"

Heavenly Father, I come before your throne room of grace with a heart of worship. I praise and worship you for who you are. I present myself to you as a living sacrifice of worship to Your Holy name; for you and only you deserve all the honor, glory and praise.

Father, I pray that we all reverence who you are and recognize that you love us so much you gave your only begotten Son as a sacrifice for our Salvation. I pray that each person reading this will consecrate and present themselves as living sacrifices to you in worship. I pray they seek your face and live a life holy and pleasing to you. I know we are by no means perfect, but through your grace and mercy we can strive to live our lives holy for you are Holy.

I pray we never forget the ultimate "Sacrifice" that Jesus gave for us. He took our sins, crucified them upon himself, died and rose again all for our salvation. Thank you Lord!! Even though we don't deserve this you still gave. I am eternally grateful.

Father, I consecrate myself as a living sacrifice for your honor. I lay this sacrificial offering of praise at Your Holy Feet. In the precious name of Jesus I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Millie McFarland

“because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal Father, I come into your presence rejoicing and praising your Holy name. I thank you for my salvation through your Son Jesus Christ. I thank you for bringing me through my good and bad times. You are a good, good Father.

Father, I lift up all those that need salvation. I pray that you reveal yourself to them and draw them close by your precious Holy Spirit. I pray that they believe in their hearts and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Save them Lord, the way you have saved me. Minister to each in a personal way and reassure them that they are not alone and you are right there with them. I rebuke the curse of bondage and sin; break every chain. I speak life into their situation; set them free and let them live in you, Lord.

Father, I thank you for hearing my hearts cry and answering my prayers. I thank you for saving each person that heeds this clarion call. Father, I can't thank you enough for restoring my soul and for saving me. I thank you for taking care of me and for always providing for me. I magnify and worship your Holy name. I lay this prayer at your throne room. In Jesus mighty name.


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