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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Tim Herger

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for, ye serve the Lord Christ."

- Colossians, 3 : 23 – 24 (KJV)

Theme Christian Servanthood

Scripture and prayer submitted by Timothy Herger

Dear Lord Jesus -

We begin our day profoundly grateful for your relentless, never-ceasing work in our hearts.

You never sleep, and you never slumber.

You don’t just give us sleep, but you give yourself to us in our sleep.

Because of what you’ve already accomplished for us, one Day we’ll be as lovely and as loving as you—free of all

sin, fully alive, whole and complete - forever!

Oh, the encouragement that this gives us—the invigorating, liberating, consecrating hope, that this generates deep

within our hearts.

It’s why - this admonition, from Paul, feels more like a kiss, than a kick, today.

Because of your finished work on the cross, our labors have become labors of love, our works are works of faith,

and our sacrifices are sacrifices of praise.

You change everything, Jesus. Everything.

We want to serve you willingly, because you first served us gladly by your life, death, and resurrection.

No one will ever out-serve you, Jesus. Even from heaven, you continue to serve us, as advocate, and intercessor.

Even in our life, in the new heaven, and new earth, you will serve us, and lead us to springs of living water.

What a wonderful, merciful Savior you are.

Lord Jesus, continue to free us from doing anything for the approval of people, or out of fear of people, or to gain

power over people.

Forgive us when we work for appreciation, recognition, or congratulations.

It’s you we serve - not mere men.

Free us for doing all things as unto you: loving our family and friends as unto you; serving in your church and

kingdom as unto you; engaging in our vocations as unto you; eating and drinking as unto you;

doing all things as unto you, for your praise and glory.

How we praise you, Jesus, that the gospel is the end of any sense of a wage-earning relationship with God.

We could never earn, merit, or deserve - what you alone, can give to us.

We’ll receive an inheritance only because of your work, not ours. And should we receive any rewards or crowns,

they will be thrown at your feet, giving credit where credit is due.

So - very Amen, we pray, in your quintessentially glorious name.

Amen. Praise be to God. Amen. ∎ …

“Y todo lo que hagáis, hacedlo de corazón, como para el Señor y no para los hombres; sabiendo que del Señor recibiréis la recompensa de la herencia, porque a Cristo el Señor servís.”

- Colosenses, 3:23-24 (RVR1960)

Querido Señor Jesús -

Comenzamos nuestro día profundamente agradecidos por tu incansable y constante obra en nuestros corazones.

Nunca duermes y nunca te dormitas.

No solo nos das sueño, sino que te entregas a nosotros en nuestro sueño.

Por lo que ya has logrado por nosotros, un día seremos tan hermosos y amorosos como tú, libres de todo

pecado, completamente vivos, enteros y completos, ¡para siempre!

¡Oh, el aliento que esto nos da, la esperanza vigorizante, liberadora y consagratoria que esto genera en lo profundo

de nuestros corazones!

Por eso, esta admonición de Pablo se siente más como un beso que como una patada hoy.

Por tu obra terminada en la cruz, nuestras labores se han convertido en labores de amor, nuestras obras son obras de fe,

y nuestros sacrificios son sacrificios de alabanza.

Tú cambias todo, Jesús. Todo.

Queremos servirte voluntariamente, porque tú nos serviste primero con alegría con tu vida, muerte y resurrección.

Nadie te superará jamás, Jesús. Incluso desde el cielo, continúas sirviéndonos como abogado e intercesor.

Incluso en nuestra vida, en el nuevo cielo y la nueva tierra, nos servirás y nos conducirás a manantiales de agua viva.

Qué maravilloso y misericordioso Salvador eres.

Señor Jesús, continúa liberándonos de hacer algo para la aprobación de las personas, o por miedo a las personas, o para ganar

poder sobre las personas.

Perdónanos cuando trabajamos para obtener aprecio, reconocimiento o felicitaciones.

Es a ti a quien servimos, no a simples hombres.

Libéranos para hacer todas las cosas como para ti: amar a nuestra familia y amigos como para ti; servir en tu iglesia y

reino como para ti; participar en nuestras vocaciones como para ti; comer y beber como para ti;

hacer todas las cosas como para ti, para tu alabanza y gloria.

Cuánto te alabamos, Jesús, porque el evangelio es el fin de cualquier sentido de una relación de salario con Dios.

Nunca podríamos ganar, merecer o merecer lo que solo tú puedes darnos.

Recibiremos una herencia solo por tu trabajo, no por el nuestro. Y si recibimos alguna recompensa o corona,

serán arrojadas a tus pies, dando crédito a quien lo merece.

Así que, amén, oramos en tu nombre glorioso por excelencia.

Amén. Alabado sea Dios. Amén. ∎ …

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Our Daily Prayer Wednesday - Millie McFarland

“Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”

Psalms 46:10

Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Gracious Father, I exalt your Holy name. I praise you for who you are. You are high and lifted up and your train fills the temple. The word says to be still and know you are God. Father we are still, and we are in awe of you. You cause the sun to shine, the winds to blow,  mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of your name. Nothing is impossible for you. We will bless your name at all times and your praise shall continually be in our mouths. 

Father, we give you glory and we thank you for letting us see the start of a new day. We thank you for keeping us safe from all harm. We thank you for giving us the strength to go through this Pandemic. We thank you for being our provision during this difficult time we find ourselves in.

Father, we recognize that many people are struggling during this time, due to lack of work. We lift them up right now and pray that you provide for their every need. Lord, we know there are many sick during this time; lay your healing hands on their body and raise them up. We plead the blood over their sick body and declare total healing. Father, we know there are many grieving during this time; because of the loss of a loved one. Give them comfort, strength and peace that only you the Prince of Peace can give. Give them a reassurance that you are with them and cover them with your love.

Gracious Father we thank you for your faithfulness in our lives. We exalt your name above the heavens and earth. We thank you for your saving grace and your tender mercy and we lay our cares and burdens at your feet. We love and praise you for all you do. In Jesus Mighty name. Amen

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