Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Rev. Bernadette Towers

Praised be God, Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, who, in keeping with his great mercy, has caused us, through the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah from the dead, to be born again to a living hope,
— 1 Peter (Kefa) 1:3 CJB

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Bernadette Towers

Gracious Abba Father, praise and glory be to Your Holy Righteous name. Abba, you are great! And greatly to be praised! You are our living hope!

LORD God, Thank you for seeing us through to a new year, thank you for the hope that we have in you, in Christ, and in the Holy Spirit. We are a blessed people!

Jehovah, in the mighty name of Christ Jesus I come before you and I lift up this entire nation before you. I pray for all people to come to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. I pray for a spirit of righteousness and holiness to rain down upon the USA. I pray we surrender and submit to You. LORD, we need You. This nation needs You. I pray for a Revival to hit our government. I pray that this government will serve and acknowledged You gracious Jehovah.

LORD, I also lift up your children. I pray that you continue to watch over us, keep us, keep us in a sound mind, help us to stay focused on the Kingdom and Your will for us. LORD, give us a hunger to seek your face, and to live according to your designed for us. May we walk in the spirit, and not in the flesh. May we seek to please you and not ourself.

Help us to make this year, be a year that we grow deeper in love with you, become more Christ like, and read Your Holy Word daily. Help us become Mighty Warriors, seeking souls and winning the Lost. Sharing your love, and hope. 

Anoint us fresh, to help those that are broken, uplifting those that are discouraged, helping those in need and become a blessing to all we meet and know. LORD,  help us be the light that shines. Help us to reflect Christ in all we do and say. In the matchless name of Christ Jesus.