Posts tagged sacrifice
Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Maria Melendez

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Maria Melendez


Most Gracious and Merciful Lord in Heaven, Jesus, our Counselor, our teacher. Your teachings and your written word are our inspiration as we walk in communion with you. Your love and comfort is felt in our whole being during the worst of times.

Your soft whisper can be heard when we are in our quiet place. When we are sick and infirm, we feel your embrace. You give so much of You to us. We will grow with grace if we seek your counsel, read your word and seek your face.

Thank you for loving us in spite of ourselves. For forgiveness of all of our sins and for saving us from eternal fire. Bless us Lord. Lead and guide us in ways that are pleasing to you. You teach us, guide us and instruct us with grace and mercy that has no bounds. For that we are forever grateful.

We pray in Your Mighty Name,


“Toda la Escritura es inspirada por Dios, y útil para enseñar, para redargüir, para corregir, para instruir en justicia, 17 a fin de que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto, enteramente equipado para toda buena obra”.

Timoteo 3:16-17 NVI

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: María Melendez


Clemente y Misericordioso Señor del Cielo, Jesús, nuestro Consejero, nuestro maestro. Tus enseñanzas y tu palabra escrita son nuestra inspiración mientras caminamos en comunión contigo. Tu amor y consuelo se siente en todo nuestro ser durante los peores momentos.

Tu suave susurro se puede escuchar cuando estamos en nuestro lugar tranquilo. Cuando estamos enfermos y enfermos, sentimos tu abrazo. Nos das mucho de ti. Creceremos con gracia si buscamos tu consejo, leemos tu palabra y buscamos tu rostro.

Gracias por amarnos a pesar de nosotros mismos. Por el perdón de todos nuestros pecados y por salvarnos del fuego eterno. Bendícenos Señor. Condúcenos y guíanos de manera que te agraden. Tú nos enseñas, nos guías y nos instruyes con gracia y misericordia que no tiene límites. Por eso estamos eternamente agradecidos.

Oramos en Tu Nombre Poderoso,


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Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Darrell Guiont

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

Romans 12:1

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Darrell Guiont


Father, in the name of Jesus I thank you for the sacrifice of your Son Jesus. He paid that price for us.

Lord, Sacrifice means giving to You whatever You require. This means of our time, our earthly possessions, and our energies to further His work. The Lord commanded, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Our willingness to sacrifice is an indication of our devotion to You, God.

The word says, "He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world."

1 John 2:2 ESV

In Jesus name, Amen.

Así que, hermanos, os ruego por las misericordias de Dios, que presentéis vuestros cuerpos en sacrificio vivo, santo, agradable a Dios, que es vuestro culto racional”.

Romanos 12:1

Escritura y oración Enviado por: Darrell Guiont


Padre, en el nombre de Jesús te doy gracias por el sacrificio de tu Hijo Jesús. Él pagó ese precio por nosotros.

Señor, Sacrificio significa darte lo que requieres. Esto significa nuestro tiempo, nuestras posesiones terrenales y nuestras energías para promover Su obra. El Señor mandó: “Buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia” (Mateo 6:33). Nuestra disposición a sacrificarnos es una indicación de nuestra devoción a Ti, Dios.

La palabra dice: "Él es la propiciación por nuestros pecados, y no sólo por los nuestros, sino también por los de todo el mundo".

1 Juan 2:2 NVI

En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.

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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Rev. Grace Reyes

“Then they crucified Him, and divided His garments, casting lots, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet:

“They divided My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots.”

Matthew 27:35

Scripture and Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Grace Reyes


Lord I come into your Holy presence this day with a humble and grateful heart. I ask Lord, that all those reading this prayer today are reminded that the real reason for this season is about the ultimate sacrifice you made on the cross to redeem us.

I am thankful this day Lord, as I ponder on the season I am celebrating with family and friends that the child born in Bethlehem was the human form of agape love, as the journey began in a humble manger it set the stage for man’s redemption and ultimate salvation.

The Lord of Lords and King of Kings made the ultimate sacrifice to rescue me. Thank you, Lord, for not leaving me where I was but already shedding your precious blood to ensure my salvation. I come before you Lord with thanksgiving and praise as I think on your love for this unworthy servant.

Lord touch each heart that reads this today, set a fire in their souls that seeks to worship you for you are worthy. Remind us of each day that you are our Abba Father and that we can do nothing without your help and guidance.

Thank you, Lord, for the sacrifice you were so willing to make to redeem your children. Amen

“Entonces lo crucificaron, y dividieron sus vestidos, echando suertes, para que se cumpliera lo dicho por el profeta:

“Repartieron mis vestidos entre ellos, y sobre mis vestidos echaron suertes”.

Mateo 27:35

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Rev. Grace Reyes


Señor, vengo a tu santa presencia este día con un corazón humilde y agradecido. Le pido al Señor, que a todos los que lean esta oración hoy se les recuerde que la verdadera razón de esta temporada es el sacrificio máximo que hiciste en la cruz para redimirnos.

Estoy agradecido este día Señor, mientras reflexiono sobre la temporada en la que estoy celebrando con familiares y amigos que el niño nacido en Belén fue la forma humana del amor ágape, ya que el viaje comenzó en un humilde pesebre que sentó las bases para la redención del hombre y salvación final.

El Señor de los Señores y el Rey de Reyes hizo el máximo sacrificio para rescatarme. Gracias, Señor, por no dejarme donde estaba, sino por derramar tu preciosa sangre para asegurar mi salvación. Vengo ante ti Señor con acción de gracias y alabanza mientras pienso en tu amor por este siervo indigno.

Señor, toca cada corazón que lee esto hoy, enciende un fuego en sus almas que busca adorarte porque eres digno. Recuérdanos cada día que eres nuestro Abba Padre y que no podemos hacer nada sin tu ayuda y guía.

Gracias, Señor, por el sacrificio que estuviste tan dispuesto a hacer para redimir a tus hijos. amén

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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Millie McFarland

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:1-2 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Theme: "Sacrifice"

Heavenly Father, I come before your throne room of grace with a heart of worship. I praise and worship you for who you are. I present myself to you as a living sacrifice of worship to Your Holy name; for you and only you deserve all the honor, glory and praise.

Father, I pray that we all reverence who you are and recognize that you love us so much you gave your only begotten Son as a sacrifice for our Salvation. I pray that each person reading this will consecrate and present themselves as living sacrifices to you in worship. I pray they seek your face and live a life holy and pleasing to you. I know we are by no means perfect, but through your grace and mercy we can strive to live our lives holy for you are Holy.

I pray we never forget the ultimate "Sacrifice" that Jesus gave for us. He took our sins, crucified them upon himself, died and rose again all for our salvation. Thank you Lord!! Even though we don't deserve this you still gave. I am eternally grateful.

Father, I consecrate myself as a living sacrifice for your honor. I lay this sacrificial offering of praise at Your Holy Feet. In the precious name of Jesus I pray.


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