Posts tagged unconditional Love
Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Tamika Wells

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways,” declares the Lord. “Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts. Rain and snow come down from the sky. They do not go back again until they water the earth. They make it sprout and grow so that it produces seed for farmers and food for people to eat. My word, which comes from my mouth, is like the rain and snow. It will not come back to me without results. It will accomplish whatever I want and achieve whatever I send it to do.”

Isaiah 55:8‭-‬11 GW

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Tamika Wells

Dedicated to my mother Amanda Wells and paternal grandmother Emma Ruth Wells. You both dragged me to church. I didn’t understand it and thought it was a boring and very dysfunctional experience but God had a plan. Through your faith, prayer, and tenacity, you proved this scripture to be the absolute truth!

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for every mother and every child that doesn’t see the hope in going to church right now. There may be parents with rebellious teens or unsaved spouses who resist their commitment to worship your God. It is a daily fight to say, “As for me and my house WE shall serve the Lord!” I lift the family members who are holding up the blood-stained banner and trying to show love in spite of the warfare in their household. Even adult children and grandchildren!

I encourage you today! Look at me! Your labor is NOT in vain! God can do ANYTHING! HALLELUJAH!!!! Keep pressing! Keep praying! Keep serving, setting boundaries, and being kind! Keep being a human in the sense of meeting your unsaved loved ones where they are, in love and honesty. His compassions fail not and pray! Pray! Pray! God hears! God saves! God will deliver! God will restore!

God you are the nourisher of Your Word in our family’s souls! Lord of the Harvest, You are the harvester of their souls. We command that skillful laborers, by the thousands, be sent to them NOW! In Jesus’ name! Speak to them in ways that they KNOW that it is You! We bless You Father that Your Word is potent! All powerful and everlasting until the end of time! We stand on it knowing all of our loved ones and household will be saved and serving You all the days of their lives. No matter WHAT it looks like! We patiently wait for the manifestation, refusing to get into strife and dig up what we’ve sown in faith.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


“Mis pensamientos no son vuestros pensamientos, y mis caminos no son vuestros caminos”, dice el Señor. “Así como los cielos son más altos que la tierra, así mis caminos son más altos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos son más altos que vuestros pensamientos. La lluvia y la nieve caen del cielo. No vuelven más hasta que riegan la tierra. Lo hacen brotar y crecer para que produzca semilla para los agricultores y alimento para que coma la gente. Mi palabra, que sale de mi boca, es como la lluvia y la nieve. No volverá a mí sin resultados. Logrará lo que yo quiera y logrará lo que sea que lo envíe a hacer”.

Isaías 55:8-11 SG

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Tamika Wells

Dedicado a mi madre Amanda Wells y abuela paterna Emma Ruth Wells. Ambos me arrastraron a la iglesia. No lo entendí y pensé que era una experiencia aburrida y muy disfuncional, pero Dios tenía un plan. ¡A través de su fe, oración y tenacidad, demostró que esta escritura es la verdad absoluta!

Querido Padre Celestial, oro por cada madre y cada niño que no ve la esperanza de ir a la iglesia en este momento. Puede haber padres con adolescentes rebeldes o cónyuges no salvos que se resisten a su compromiso de adorar a tu Dios. Es una lucha diaria decir: “¡Yo y mi casa serviremos al Señor!” Levanto a los miembros de la familia que sostienen el estandarte manchado de sangre y tratan de mostrar amor a pesar de la guerra en su hogar. ¡Incluso hijos adultos y nietos!

¡Te animo hoy! ¡Mírame! ¡Tu trabajo NO es en vano! ¡Dios puede hacer TODO! ALELUYA!!!! ¡Sigue presionando! ¡Sigue rezando! ¡Sigue sirviendo, estableciendo límites y siendo amable! Sigue siendo humano en el sentido de encontrarte con tus seres queridos no salvos donde están, con amor y honestidad. ¡Sus misericordias no desfallecen y orad! ¡Orar! ¡Orar! ¡Dios escucha! ¡Dios salva! ¡Dios librará! ¡Dios restaurará!

¡Dios, tú eres el sustentador de Tu Palabra en las almas de nuestra familia! Señor de la Cosecha, Tú eres el segador de sus almas. ¡Ordenamos que se les envíen trabajadores hábiles, por miles, AHORA MISMO! ¡En el nombre de Jesus! ¡Háblales de manera que SEPA que eres Tú! ¡Te bendecimos Padre que Tu Palabra es potente! ¡Todopoderoso y eterno hasta el fin de los tiempos! Nos paramos en él sabiendo que todos nuestros seres queridos y familiares se salvarán y te servirán todos los días de sus vidas. ¡No importa cómo se vea! Esperamos pacientemente la manifestación, negándonos a entrar en conflicto y desenterrar lo que hemos sembrado en la fe.

En el nombre de Jesús, oramos,


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Rev. Millie McFarland

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?”

Romans 8:35 KJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland

"God's Love"

Holy and Righteous Father, I come into your presence praising you for who you are and all you do. I thank you for your faithfulness and for never leaving or forsaking me.

I thank You that there is nothing that could ever separate me from Your love. If I go up to the highest mountain, You are there. If I go to the lowest valley, You are there. Through tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril and sword, You are there and You love me. That is my blessed assurance of Your unconditional love.

Father, today I want you to know that I am grateful for Your love. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray.


¿Quién nos separará del amor de Cristo? ¿La tribulación, la angustia, la persecución, el hambre, la desnudez, el peligro o la espada?

Romanos 8:35 RVR1960

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rev. Millie McFarland

"Amor de Dios"

Padre Santo y Justo, vengo a tu presencia alabándote por lo que eres y todo lo que haces. Te agradezco por tu fidelidad y por nunca dejarme ni desampararme.

Te agradezco que no haya nada que pueda separarme jamás de Tu amor. Si subo a la montaña más alta, allí estás Tú. Si voy al valle más bajo, allí estás Tú. A través de la tribulación, la angustia, la persecución, el hambre, la desnudez, el peligro y la espada, Tú estás allí y me amas. Esa es mi bendita seguridad de Tu amor incondicional.

Padre, hoy quiero que sepas que estoy agradecido por tu amor. En el incomparable nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Minister Alexander LaLuz

"But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful."

Romans 5:8 CEV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz

Theme: "God's Unconditional Love"

O Holy God, I lift my head to thee in reverence, praise and worship. I thank you God for demonstrating the ultimate "unconditional love." You gave Your Son to die for our sins and You show us new mercies everyday.

God, I thank you for setting the example for us all in how to "love" without expectations and conditions. "Unconditional love" is powerful; it gives us hope, courage and a confidence that no matter what, "I am loved." That is the "love" I received from you my Lord, the moment I accepted you as my personal Savior. I thank you Almighty God for this "unconditional love" you freely give to me. It is my prayer that all may come to know you and experience the "love" I found.

Lord, I dedicate this prayer to you and I ask that you visit each person that reads this page and that you show them your "unconditional love." I ask if they need deliverance, that you deliver them. I ask if they need salvation, save them. I ask if any are sick, heal them. I ask if any are grieving, comfort them. Lord, do what you do and grace them with your "love." In Jesus name I lift up this prayer.


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