Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Minister Alexander LaLuz

But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful.
— Romans 5:8 CEV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz

Theme: "God's Unconditional Love"

O Holy God, I lift my head to thee in reverence, praise and worship. I thank you God for demonstrating the ultimate "unconditional love." You gave Your Son to die for our sins and You show us new mercies everyday.

God, I thank you for setting the example for us all in how to "love" without expectations and conditions. "Unconditional love" is powerful; it gives us hope, courage and a confidence that no matter what, "I am loved." That is the "love" I received from you my Lord, the moment I accepted you as my personal Savior. I thank you Almighty God for this "unconditional love" you freely give to me. It is my prayer that all may come to know you and experience the "love" I found.

Lord, I dedicate this prayer to you and I ask that you visit each person that reads this page and that you show them your "unconditional love." I ask if they need deliverance, that you deliver them. I ask if they need salvation, save them. I ask if any are sick, heal them. I ask if any are grieving, comfort them. Lord, do what you do and grace them with your "love." In Jesus name I lift up this prayer.
