Posts tagged Blood
Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Maria Melendez

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Maria Melendez"Encouragement"

Gracious and most merciful Father. We come to you today so thankful for your word. Your word nourishes us, guides us and encourages us. In John 6:35 Jesus said, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

We bring our petitions to you. Bless us as we go through the day. We come in prayer and meditation for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, for our families, and for all that need a touch from you. Help us to become doers of your word. You know every need. You know every heart. We pray for peace and understanding. Help us to grow and prosper in our walk with you. Cast away all anxieties and grant us your Peace. Cover us with your divine protection. Remove distractions that will keep us from being doers of your word.

We pray for those that don’t know you Lord. We pray that you touch them in a special way. We encourage anyone who is not sure where they belong to come to you, Lord. Stay in the word. In Jesus’ mighty name.


“Por nada estéis afanosos, sino sean conocidas vuestras peticiones delante de Dios en toda oración y ruego, con acción de gracias; 7 y la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, guardará vuestros corazones y vuestros pensamientos en Cristo Jesús.”

Filipenses 4:6-7 NVI

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Maria Melendez"Ánimo"

Padre clemente y misericordiosísimo. Acudimos a ti hoy muy agradecidos por tu palabra. Tu palabra nos nutre, nos guía y nos anima. En Juan 6:35 Jesús dijo: “Yo soy el pan de vida; el que a mí viene, nunca tendrá hambre, y el que en mí cree, no tendrá sed jamás.

Te traemos nuestras peticiones. Bendícenos a lo largo del día. Venimos en oración y meditación por todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, por nuestras familias y por todos los que necesitan un toque tuyo. Ayúdanos a ser hacedores de tu palabra. Conoces todas las necesidades. Conoces cada corazón. Oramos por la paz y la comprensión. Ayúdanos a crecer y prosperar en nuestro caminar contigo. Desecha todas las angustias y concédenos tu Paz. Cúbrenos con tu divina protección. Elimina las distracciones que nos impedirán ser hacedores de tu palabra.

Oramos por aquellos que no te conocen Señor. Oramos para que los toques de una manera especial. Alentamos a cualquiera que no esté seguro de dónde pertenece a que venga a ti, Señor. Quédate en la palabra. En el nombre poderoso de Jesús.


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Maria Melendez

“But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. 2 When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”

Isaiah 43:1-2 NLT

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Maria Melendez


Heavenly Father, we come to you today with Thanksgiving and with praise. We are so encouraged Dear God, that you know each and every one of us by name and as the scripture says, "You created us."

Through the toughest of times we stand with boldness and confidence that despite the trials and tribulations, You are with us and You guide us. You are always with us, though we may not feel you and we may not feel your presence, but you are always there. As we are reminded in your word that through the ups and downs, and the peaks and valleys of what we deal with, day in and day out we will not be consumed.

We pray today for all who are dealing with trials, that your word will give hope to the hopeless, take away all fears, and remove any obstacles that get in the way of a stronger commitment to you. Your grace, your mercy, and your love encourages us to keep going forward in the hope that we can also encourage others. Bless us, strengthen us, and fill us with your love.

Thank you most gracious Father for protecting us and keeping us steadfast in faith.

In Jesus’ name we pray.


“Pero ahora, oh Jacob, escucha al Señor que te creó. Oh Israel, el que te formó dice: “No temas, porque yo te he rescatado. te he llamado por tu nombre; tu eres mio 2 Cuando pases por aguas profundas, yo estaré contigo. Cuando pases por ríos de dificultad, no te ahogarás. Cuando caminéis por el fuego de la opresión, no seréis quemados; las llamas no te consumirán.”

Isaías 43:1-2 NTV

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: María Melendez


Padre Celestial, venimos a ti hoy con acción de gracias y alabanza. Estamos tan animados Querido Dios, que nos conoces a todos y cada uno de nosotros por nuestro nombre y como dice la escritura, "Tú nos creaste".

A través de los tiempos más difíciles, nos mantenemos firmes con audacia y confianza de que, a pesar de las pruebas y tribulaciones, Tú estás con nosotros y nos guías. Siempre estás con nosotros, aunque no te sintamos y no sintamos tu presencia, pero siempre estás ahí. Como se nos recuerda en tu palabra que a través de los altibajos, y los picos y valles de lo que enfrentamos, día tras día no seremos consumidos.

Oramos hoy por todos los que están pasando por pruebas, para que tu palabra dé esperanza a los desesperanzados, elimine todos los temores y elimine cualquier obstáculo que se interponga en el camino de un compromiso más fuerte contigo. Tu gracia, tu misericordia y tu amor nos animan a seguir adelante con la esperanza de que también podamos animar a otros. Bendícenos, fortalécenos y llénanos de tu amor.

Gracias Padre misericordioso por protegernos y mantenernos firmes en la fe.

En el nombre de Jesús oramos.


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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Alexalee LaLuz

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."

1 Chronicles 16:34

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Alexalee LaLuz

Theme: "Eternal Love"

Dear Father, You love me, not only in the past, not only now at this present moment, but You love me with an "Eternal Love" it is everlasting and it transcends time. I can't thank you enough for your "love." Your "love" keeps me, sustains me and it gives me the strength to get through my life's struggles.

Father, we live in a world that seems to be getting darker and darker as time goes by. All the security we use to hold dear has quickly gone away by all the craziness around us. So many people are distraught and disillusioned by what is happening in our once peaceful and safe community. So, I turn to you in prayer and I ask that you grace your people with your "eternal love." That all the lost, may find salvation and eternal life in Your Son Jesus Christ.

I turn it all over to you Father God. In Jesus name.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Violeta Cedeno

“A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps”

Proverbs 16:9 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Violeta Cedeno

Theme: "New Beginnings"

Dear Lord,

I come to you Sovereign God with confidence, with a humble heart, and spirit. Today I pray that this "new" year begins; so, that you change our minds and hearts to be more like you.

This "new" year, it’s a "new beginning," let It be our best. Let us have your blessings everyday, let us renew our spiritual lives, and let us not forget that you are the source of all of our blessings.

Mighty God, help us love more, pray more, and help those in need. Be our guide, that no matter how much hardship we endure in these tough days; that we are certain and don't forget your right here with us.

Father God, direct our paths for in this "new" year we will need you more than ever. I give you all the glory and I thank you. In the name of Jesus.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Min. Alexander LaLuz

“Let all that I am praise the Lord.

O Lord my God, how great you are!
You are robed with honor and majesty.”

Psalms 104:1 NLT

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz

Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Bless Your Holy name; for you have done great things.

Holy God, I bless you and I thank you for you are good. I come to you thanking you for all that I go through, the good and bad because it is in that process that you propel me to my purpose. Even though the hard times are not easy to go through it gives me a better understanding of what I am made of.

Holy God, I bring this world, our country and all of the rest of the nations before you. There is so much turmoil all around and it is only you that can bring each under submission to your will. I pray that every leader turns from their wicked ways and repent before you. I pray that you guide each and give them wisdom to lead the way you want them to lead. Restore this nation back to you, O Lord.

I cry out to you God; I pray that we as a country can get together and pray so that real change can happen. Lord, I know it is your desire that no man perish, so I pray that they submit to your will and ways, and that they confess you as Lord and Savior.

In your Holy name Jesus I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Millie McFarland

“Commit your way to the Lord,

Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.”

Psalms 37:5 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal God, loving Father, we thank you for your guidance and your protection; we thank you for who you are. Father, we lift your Holy name on high.

Father, as we try to get our lives on track; some are feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Father, we pray that you give each a sense of love and peace that no man can take away. Reassure them that you have it all under control, and if they put their trust in you, everything will be alright. Restore their hope and their faith in you; as the enemy has tried to diminish their belief in you. Father, we come against the devices of the enemy that may attack their minds. Cover them with your blood and protect them from the darts of the enemy.

Father, we don't always understand why we go through things, but we know you have a plan and a purpose for our life. So we cast all our doubts and fears at your feet. I ask that you instil in us the power of prayer, love, faith, service, gratitude and endurance. Teach us Lord, to trust and depend on you.

Father, thank you for loving us and giving us the gift of salvation, through your Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for never leaving or forsaking us; at every moment of our existence you are present with your love and compassion. Teach us Lord, to be more like you; teach us to pray for one another and to draw strength through your word.

Father, we thank you for your love and we thank you for your keeping power. Father we trust in you; we honor you and we lay this prayer at your feet. In Jesus Mighty name we pray.


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