Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Min. Alexander LaLuz

Let all that I am praise the Lord.

O Lord my God, how great you are!
You are robed with honor and majesty.
— Psalm 104:1 NLT

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz

Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Bless Your Holy name; for you have done great things.

Holy God, I bless you and I thank you for you are good. I come to you thanking you for all that I go through, the good and bad because it is in that process that you propel me to my purpose. Even though the hard times are not easy to go through it gives me a better understanding of what I am made of.

Holy God, I bring this world, our country and all of the rest of the nations before you. There is so much turmoil all around and it is only you that can bring each under submission to your will. I pray that every leader turns from their wicked ways and repent before you. I pray that you guide each and give them wisdom to lead the way you want them to lead. Restore this nation back to you, O Lord.

I cry out to you God; I pray that we as a country can get together and pray so that real change can happen. Lord, I know it is your desire that no man perish, so I pray that they submit to your will and ways, and that they confess you as Lord and Savior.

In your Holy name Jesus I pray.
