Posts tagged Glory
Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Millie McFarland

“Commit your way to the Lord,

Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.”

Psalms 37:5 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal God, loving Father, we thank you for your guidance and your protection; we thank you for who you are. Father, we lift your Holy name on high.

Father, as we try to get our lives on track; some are feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Father, we pray that you give each a sense of love and peace that no man can take away. Reassure them that you have it all under control, and if they put their trust in you, everything will be alright. Restore their hope and their faith in you; as the enemy has tried to diminish their belief in you. Father, we come against the devices of the enemy that may attack their minds. Cover them with your blood and protect them from the darts of the enemy.

Father, we don't always understand why we go through things, but we know you have a plan and a purpose for our life. So we cast all our doubts and fears at your feet. I ask that you instil in us the power of prayer, love, faith, service, gratitude and endurance. Teach us Lord, to trust and depend on you.

Father, thank you for loving us and giving us the gift of salvation, through your Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for never leaving or forsaking us; at every moment of our existence you are present with your love and compassion. Teach us Lord, to be more like you; teach us to pray for one another and to draw strength through your word.

Father, we thank you for your love and we thank you for your keeping power. Father we trust in you; we honor you and we lay this prayer at your feet. In Jesus Mighty name we pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Millie McFarland

“And they were calling to one another:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory.”

Isaiah 6:3 NIV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal Righteous Father, Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord God 

Almighty. The earth is full of your glory. We give all the honor and praise. For yours is the kingdom, yours is the power, yours is the glory forever and ever, Amen.

Father, we humbly come to your throne room of grace praying for all the sins and unrighteousness of this world. We pray that each surrender their will and their ways to you. I pray they may seek your face and turn from their wicked ways. Have mercy on their souls and bring them back to you. 

Father, I lift up all those that are victims of hate crimes and persecution. Wrap your loving arms around each of them and their families. Envelop them with your love for no one is higher than the next because we are all your children. Father, teach us all to be more like you; teach us to not see color or race, but to see the blood that connects us all together and makes us one in you. For the blood of Jesus flows through each and makes us joint heirs with Christ. That precious blood and love that covers a multitude of sins. Teach us to be Holy; for you are Holy.

Father, I pray that you heal this land of all sickness, all injustices, all racism and everything that goes against you will. We turn this world back to you and we pray for your nature to be our nature. Teach us to follow you and only you. Father, I pray each harken to hear your voice and listen to what you're trying to tell them. Open up our hearts, our minds and our souls to the knowledge of you. 

Lord, I thank you for your grace and your mercy that has kept us through these difficult times we are living in. We humbly bow and cry out to you, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty; you are our Way Maker, our Miracle Worker and our Light in the darkness, so we place this prayer at your feet. We worship you and we praise you. Father, we know you are working it all out and even though we may not see or feel it at the moment; you are working it out. Thank you for hearing our hearts cry. In Jesus Holy name I pray. Amen 

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