When The Sparrow Found His Worth - Rev. Grace Reyes
“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Submission by: Rev. Grace Reyes
It sang, it praised, it worshipped the Lord of Lords. It realized that it was valuable and loved by a mighty King. This King of Kings sang to him, picked him up and showed him a love that could not be measured. A love that had been bought with a price. The sparrow knew that the Lord had sent his only Son as ransom to rescue him from the darkness of his life and placed a new mantle upon his shoulders.
As I have traveled though out my life’s journey, often I have felt like the sparrow, small, insignificant and worthless. Lacking in so many things, but God’s word came to me to teach me, to speak to me and show me I was valuable and precious in my Saviors’ eyes.
I look up to the God who has loved me when I did not love myself. He has taught me that a healed heart can lead others to the same healer and in this way, others can know freedom and redemption.
Jesus has an open door for each of us to walk through, where we can feel the comfort in the knowledge that he created us in His image and He is Holy, He has and will leave the ninety-nine for us. He does not make junk and all His creation is glorious.
He invites you today, to know Him, to bask in the glow of His love and healing. Let His love propel you to soar through a life that will be filled with joy, confidence and hope because in Him there is that promise of eternity.