Fear Is Not Your Friend, Tearing Down Strongholds – Rev. Grace Reyes

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

2 Corinthians 10:5-6 NIV

The authority of Christ within us must be evident in every aspect of our lives. The Lord strengthens this authority when we walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit. One of our greatest challenges is maintaining the discipline to walk confidently, knowing that as God’s children, we have dominion over every situation we encounter.

Paul addresses this in 2 Corinthians 10:5-6, where he speaks to the Corinthian church about their relationship with Christ and urges them to exercise this same authority. He acknowledges the reality of spiritual warfare, warning that those who follow Christ must be aware of the battles Satan wages to undermine our confidence in God.

“Destruimos argumentos y toda altivez que se levanta contra el conocimiento de Dios, y llevamos cautivo todo pensamiento a la obediencia a Cristo. 6 Y estaremos prontos a castigar toda desobediencia, una vez que vuestra obediencia sea perfecta.”

2 Corintios 10:5-6 NVI

La autoridad de Cristo en nosotros debe ser evidente en cada aspecto de nuestra vida. El Señor fortalece esta autoridad cuando caminamos en obediencia al Espíritu Santo. Uno de nuestros mayores desafíos es mantener la disciplina para caminar con confianza, sabiendo que como hijos de Dios, tenemos dominio sobre cada situación que enfrentamos.

Pablo aborda esto en 2 Corintios 10:5-6, donde habla a la iglesia de Corinto sobre su relación con Cristo y los insta a ejercer esta misma autoridad. Reconoce la realidad de la guerra espiritual, advirtiendo que quienes siguen a Cristo deben ser conscientes de las batallas que Satanás libra para socavar nuestra confianza en Dios.

Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@susan_wilkinson?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Susan Wilkinson</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/happy-new-year-greeting-card-EDJKEXFbzHA?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Unsplash</a>

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He Has Called Us To Be Watchmen - Rev. Grace Reyes

The goal of intercession should be to seek God’s will and purpose, not to advance personal desires or biases. Jesus modeled this in the Lord’s Prayer: “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

Humility: Intercession requires a posture of humility, acknowledging that God knows best. It's about surrendering one's own preferences and trusting in God's sovereignty.

Selfless Love: True intercession is motivated by love and compassion for others, not by an agenda that serves the intercessor's interests.

Avoid Manipulation: Using prayer to push personal or political goals can stray from the purity of intercession and risk misrepresenting God's intentions.

Listening to the Holy Spirit: Intercessors should seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their prayers, trusting Him to direct their words and intentions.

By staying grounded in these principles, intercessors can ensure that their prayers remain focused on glorifying God and serving others in love and truth.

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Preparing For The End Times - Rev. Grace Reyes

The storms referred to by Jesus in Matthew 24 have arrived, and the prophetic message now resonates with unprecedented intensity. God is calling His people to prepare for what lies ahead. The alarm is so significant that even those who do not follow God are sensing the urgency. What does this signify for believers? How should we respond? Where should we focus our efforts as we step into the new year?

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Unwavering Faith In God's Promises - Rev. Grace Reyes

I learned to pray with unwavering conviction, believing that the verse sent to me was His message—that storms, disappointments, and unanswered questions were inevitable. Yet, in my moments of prayer, I heard His still, small voice offering reassurance. I realized this was a time of strengthening, a test of whether I would hold on to hope and faith, trusting that He was in control.

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The Power of Focus - Rev. Grace Reyes
  • Where we place our focus shapes our mindset, emotions, and decisions. God’s Word offers guidance on what we should focus on to live a life of peace, purpose, and resilience.

  • El lugar donde ponemos nuestra atención moldea nuestra mentalidad, nuestras emociones y nuestras decisiones. La Palabra de Dios ofrece orientación sobre en qué debemos centrarnos para vivir una vida de paz, propósito y resiliencia.

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The Un-Changefulness of God – Rev. Grace Reyes

Psalm 102:25-27: "Of old you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you will remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away, but you are the same, and your years have no end."

While creation is subject to change, God remains constant and eternal.

Salmo 102:25-27: “Desde el principio tú fundaste la tierra, y los cielos son obra de tus manos. Ellos perecerán, pero tú permanecerás; todos ellos como una vestidura se desgastarán. Como un manto los mudarás, y pasarán, pero tú eres el mismo, y tus años no tendrán fin”.

Si bien la creación está sujeta a cambios, Dios permanece constante y eterno.

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Strive To Be Deeply Rooted - Rev. Grace Reyes

A believer who is deeply rooted in Scripture not only knows God’s Word but shares it with others, offering biblical counsel and encouragement. They engage in discipleship, teaching others how to grow in their faith.

Scriptural Basis: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2).

Un creyente que está profundamente arraigado en las Escrituras no solo conoce la Palabra de Dios, sino que la comparte con otros, ofreciendo consejo bíblico y aliento. Participa en el discipulado, enseñando a otros cómo crecer en su fe.

Base bíblica: “Predica la palabra; instálate a tiempo y fuera de tiempo; corrige, reprende y anima con mucha paciencia e instrucción cuidadosa” (2 Timoteo 4:2).

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Embodying the Virtues of a Proverbs 31 Woman – Jalynn McCown

When you take a look at Proverbs 31, one can find the characteristics of a Godly, virtuous

woman. There are many attributes listed, so let’s take a deeper look at what it means to be

an inspiring woman of God. First, a Proverbs 31 woman is ultimately God-fearing. She loves

the Lord wholeheartedly and puts Him first in everything that she does. Evidently, this is the

most important aspect of embodying this type of woman. This is demonstrated throughout

the verse.

Next, a Proverbs 31 woman is hardworking. She is someone that is always taking care of

her family and her home. She takes pride in doing so. This type of woman is always looking

for ways to make things run smoothly in her home. When we take a look at the Bible, it

says, “She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her

female servants” (Proverbs 31:15 NIV). This verse demonstrates her hard work and

dedication to her family.

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Sar Shalom, He calms the storms – Rev. Grace Reyes - Be Still

Even though it’s true that everyone has hard days and difficult weeks, you don’t have to surrender to those emotions that try to steal your joy, disturb your relationships, and rob you of your victory. When you feel overwhelmed by problems or emotions that are hitting you from every direction, just stop a moment and deliberately set your heart and mind on Jesus and the Word of God. As you do this, the wonderful, conquering, dominating, supernatural peace of God will rise up from your spirit and take control!

Dealing with challenging situations through Christian faith involves applying Biblical principles and relying on God's guidance to find peace.

Si bien es cierto que todos tenemos días y semanas difíciles, no tienes por qué rendirte a esas emociones que intentan robarte el gozo, perturbar tus relaciones y robarte la victoria. Cuando te sientas abrumado por problemas o emociones que te golpean desde todas las direcciones, simplemente detente un momento y deliberadamente fija tu corazón y tu mente en Jesús y en la Palabra de Dios. Al hacer esto, la maravillosa, conquistadora, dominante y sobrenatural paz de Dios surgirá de tu espíritu y tomará el control.

Afrontar situaciones desafiantes a través de la fe cristiana implica aplicar principios bíblicos y confiar en la guía de Dios para encontrar la paz. A continuación, se presentan algunas formas de manejar situaciones que promueven la paz:

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Do You Want To Be Made Well? - Rev. Grace Reyes

I ask you today what is your vision? Do you get up each day grateful? Do you seek the Lord and find Him? Or are you like the man at the Bethesda pool, waiting for the miracle but not really? Are you bold and courageous, a vessel the Lord can us or are you still complaining that you haven’t the resources, intelligence, or the time?

It's really time to stop complaining about what the Lord has yet to answer, do you really want to be healed, because if you have a mustard seed size faith you will burn for the answer to be “Rise, take up your bed and walk.”

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What are you doing with your talents? – Rev. Grace Reyes

For to everyone who has, more will be given… but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away: There are those who have things (like the servant with one talent) but hold them in such a way that it is as if they have nothing. These ones will find what they had taken away.  Those who hold what they have received as faithful men and women, to them more will be given.

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Can Good Come from Ashes? – Rev. Grace Reyes

Let’s start a revival in our homes and let it spill out onto our streets, schools and government buildings then have it reach the very altar of all churches. We will have beauty for ashes and the oil of Joy for mourning.

Comencemos un avivamiento en nuestros hogares y dejemos que se extienda a nuestras calles, escuelas y edificios gubernamentales y luego hagamos que llegue al altar mismo de todas las iglesias. Tendremos belleza por cenizas y el óleo de la Alegría por luto.

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Prayer Assignment from our Danbury Book Club - Geraldine Lancey

The apostle Paul implores believers to “put off the old self to put on the new self.” Keeping a positive, hopeful outlook, the Holy Spirit reminds me nothing is too hard for Him. He’s always at work in me.

El apóstol Pablo implora a los creyentes que “despojémonos del viejo hombre para vestirnos del nuevo”. Manteniendo una actitud positiva y esperanzada, el Espíritu Santo me recuerda que nada es demasiado difícil para Él. Él siempre está trabajando en mí.

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What a great assurance to know that when things are hard to handle and what I am seeing in the natural is not the end of my story. He has made my path straight, sent angels to encamp around my home. There is only one thing that He requires of me and that is that I put Him first and He does the rest.

Prodigal children, finances are tight, marriage is rocky and health is failing, Jehovah Shammah, “The Lord is there”.

Qué gran seguridad saber que cuando las cosas son difíciles de manejar y lo que estoy viendo en lo natural no es el final de mi historia. Él enderezó mi camino y envió ángeles a acampar alrededor de mi casa. Sólo hay una cosa que Él requiere de mí y es que yo lo ponga a Él primero y Él hace el resto.

Hijos pródigos, las finanzas están apretadas, el matrimonio es inestable y la salud falla, Jehová Shammah, “El Señor está ahí”

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“EL ROI” The God Who “Sees” me – Rev. Grace Reyes

As I suffered through some of my most difficult trials, I often would think of the story of Hagar (Genesis 16:13) when she went to the desert and prepared herself to die with her son Ishmael, it was there God protected Hagar and Ishmael, sending an angel who provided them with water when they were on the brink of dehydration. “So, she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, 'You are a God of seeing,' for she said, 'Truly here I have seen him who looks after me.”

Mientras sufría algunas de mis pruebas más difíciles, a menudo pensaba en la historia de Agar (Génesis 16:13) cuando ella fue al desierto y se preparó para morir con su hijo Ismael, fue allí que Dios protegió a Agar e Ismael. , enviando un ángel que les proporcionó agua cuando estaban al borde de la deshidratación. “Entonces llamó el nombre de Jehová que le hablaba: 'Tú eres un Dios que ve', porque dijo: 'Verdaderamente aquí he visto al que me cuida'.

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Poem Submitted by Pastora Emily Rosario

Church is Hard

Author Unknown

CHURCH IS HARD.....Church is hard for the person walking through the doors, afraid of judgement.

Church is hard for the pastor’s family, under the microscope of an entire body.

Church is hard for the prodigal soul returning home, broken and battered by the world.

Church is hard for the girl who looks like she has it all together, but doesn’t.

Church is hard for the couple who fought the entire ride to service.

Church is hard for the single mom, surrounded by couples holding hands, and seemingly perfect families.

Church is hard for the widow and widower with no invitation to lunch after service.

Church is hard for the deacon with an estranged child.

Church is hard for the person singing worship songs, overwhelmed by the weight of the lyrics.

Church is hard for the man insecure in his role as a leader.

Church is hard for the wife who longs to be led by a righteous man.

Church is hard for the nursery volunteer who desperately longs for a baby to love.

Church is hard for the single woman and single man, praying God brings them a mate.

Church is hard for the teenage girl, wearing a scarlet letter, ashamed of her mistakes.

Church is hard for the sinners.

Church is hard

It’s hard because on the outside it all looks shiny and perfect. Sunday best in behavior and dress.

However, underneath those layers, you find a body of imperfect people

But, here is the beauty of church—

Church isn’t a building, mentality, or expectation.

Church is a body.

Church is a group of sinners, saved by grace, living in fellowship as saints.

Church is a body of believers bound as brothers and sisters by an eternal love.

Church is a holy ground where sinners stand as equals before the Throne of Grace.

Church is a refuge for broken hearts and a training ground for mighty warriors.

Church is a converging of confrontation and invitation. Where sin is confronted and hearts are invited to seek restoration.

Church is a lesson in faith and trust.

Church is a bearer of burdens and a giver of hope.

Church is a family. A family coming together, setting aside differences, forgetting past mistakes, rejoicing in the smallest of victories.

Church, the body, and the circle of sinners-turned-saints, is where He resides, and if we ask, He is faithful to come.

So even on the hard days at church—

I’ll remember, He has never failed to meet me there. Amen

LA IGLESIA ES DIFÍCIL..... La Iglesia es difícil para la persona que cruza las puertas, temerosa del juicio.

La iglesia es dura para la familia del pastor, bajo el microscopio de un cuerpo entero.

La Iglesia es dura para el alma pródiga que regresa a casa, destrozada y maltratada por el mundo.

La iglesia es difícil para la chica que parece tenerlo todo bajo control, pero no es así.

La iglesia es difícil para la pareja que luchó durante todo el camino hasta el servicio.

La iglesia es difícil para la madre soltera, rodeada de parejas tomadas de la mano y familias aparentemente perfectas.

La iglesia es difícil para la viuda y el viudo sin invitación a almorzar después del servicio.

La iglesia es difícil para el diácono con un hijo separado.

La iglesia es difícil para la persona que canta canciones de adoración, abrumada por el peso de las letras.

La Iglesia es dura para el hombre inseguro en su papel de líder.

La iglesia es difícil para la esposa que anhela ser guiada por un hombre justo.

La iglesia es difícil para el voluntario de la guardería que anhela desesperadamente tener un bebé al que amar.

La iglesia es difícil para la mujer soltera y el hombre soltero, orando para que Dios les traiga una pareja.

La iglesia es dura para la adolescente, vestida con una letra escarlata, avergonzada de sus errores.

La iglesia es dura para los pecadores.

la iglesia es dificil

Es difícil porque por fuera todo luce brillante y perfecto. Domingo mejor en comportamiento y vestimenta.

Sin embargo, debajo de esas capas, encuentras un cuerpo de personas imperfectas.

Pero aquí está la belleza de la iglesia:

La iglesia no es un edificio, una mentalidad o una expectativa.

La iglesia es un cuerpo.

La iglesia es un grupo de pecadores, salvos por gracia, que viven en comunión como santos.

La Iglesia es un cuerpo de creyentes unidos como hermanos y hermanas por un amor eterno.

La iglesia es un terreno santo donde los pecadores se presentan como iguales ante el Trono de Gracia.

La iglesia es un refugio para corazones quebrantados y un campo de entrenamiento para guerreros poderosos.

La Iglesia es convergencia de confrontación e invitación. Donde se confronta el pecado y se invita a los corazones a buscar restauración.

La iglesia es una lección de fe y confianza.

La Iglesia es portadora de cargas y dadora de esperanza.

La iglesia es una familia. Una familia que se une, deja de lado las diferencias, olvida los errores del pasado y se regocija ante la más pequeña de las victorias.

La Iglesia, el cuerpo y el círculo de pecadores convertidos en santos es donde Él reside, y si se lo pedimos, Él es fiel en venir.

Así que incluso en los días difíciles en la iglesia—

Lo recordaré, Él nunca dejó de encontrarse conmigo allí. Amén

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