Do You Want To Be Made Well? - Rev. Grace Reyes
“Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. 5 Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”
7 The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, other steps down before me.”
8 Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.”
What strikes me about this story is that here is a man, who for 38 years suffered paralysis and followed a crowd to a place that was believed to offer healing with a twist, the sick person had to be first in the moving waters of a dead pool, it was long known that the water was stagnant, as this was a place that had been once used by the wealthy and powerful but they had abandoned it when the aqueducts no longer flowed and the water became foul, no longer fresh and inviting to the visitors of that pool.
A multitude of needy people were there, yet none of them looked to Jesus. “A blindness had come over these people at the pool; there they were, and there was Christ, who could heal them, but not a single one of them sought him. Their eyes were fixed on the water, expecting it to be troubled; they were so taken up with their own chosen way that the true way was neglected.” (Spurgeon)
The thought that goes through my mind is this, there are many reasons why people seem to be bound in their infirmities.
For instance, Luke 13:10-13 (KJV):
"And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. And behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no way lift herself. And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God."
In this passage, the woman is described as having a "spirit of infirmity" for eighteen years, which Jesus heals, indicating that her physical condition was linked to a spiritual issue.
There are many ways that we can be bound by our infirmities, they vary from person to person and depend on many factors. This is not to judge as each one of us has our struggles.
Spurgeon pictured the multitude waiting around the waters of the Pool of Bethesda, all of them waiting – instead of looking to Jesus. He thought of how foolish this waiting is for many people.
· Some wait for a more convenient season.
· Some wait for dreams and visions.
· Some wait for signs and wonders.
· Some wait to be compelled.
· Some wait for a revival.
· Some wait for particular feelings.
· Some wait for a celebrity.
So, Jesus happens on the man lying on the floor of a crowded pool area, who had been coming there for 38 yrs. He then asked a rhetorical question, “Do you want to be made well” When I read this, I smiled to myself and wondered what the point of the question was, who would not want to be healed, who would voluntarily choose to wallow in suffering and sickness.
Yet I have dealt with people today and I have talked to them about my testimony and often I have seen their reaction as one of awe and wonder. I could not figure out which one it was for, was it for my faith, or for the fact that I said that I had refused radiation and chemo because I had heard from God and He had said that I was now healed?
How many live in an arm’s length relationship with God, who will quote you scripture after scripture about how Paul suffered. Yes, he did, and the word of God says that we will. But the difference I feel is that when I am suffering, I know who my healer, keeper and deliverer is. I do not allow the enemy to dictate how I am feeling but cling like the women with the issue of blood and believe like the friends of the paraplegic man who lowered him into the room where Jesus was.
Therein lies the reason for the question that Jesus posed to the man who lay in front of Him at the Bethesda Pool, “Do you want to be healed” It became a faith and heart question, what you think dictates what you believe and translates into a heart issue. If you believe for and ask and leave it in the hands of an awesome God, anything can happen. When you can say with your mouth “I praise you if you heal me”, but I will also praise you if you don’t.” You will experience a Job worship and know that you can be healed.
Jesus saw many at the pool waiting and not even noticing Him, He has to approach the man who was paralyzed and ask Him, He did not call out to Him asking for healing, instead when asked what he was doing there he answered, “I have been waiting for a chance to get into the pool when the waters are moving to get my healing”, no one will help me and I go away each time unhealed.
Are we too busy looking at others to see that God is right in front of us? Do we put our faith in things, such as money, fame, a good job or marriage instead of trusting that God is all we really need.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33 NKJV
I ask you today what is your vision? Do you get up each day grateful? Do you seek the Lord and find Him? Or are you like the man at the Bethesda pool, waiting for the miracle but not really? Are you bold and courageous, a vessel the Lord can us or are you still complaining that you haven’t the resources, intelligence, or the time?
It's really time to stop complaining about what the Lord has yet to answer, do you really want to be healed, because if you have a mustard seed size faith you will burn for the answer to be “Rise, take up your bed and walk.”