I Am A Voice - Vanessa Porratta
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
“Make straight the way of the Lord,” ’as the prophet Isaiah said.”
The voice of a wonderful woman of God needs to be heard! We have the privilege to hear from Vanessa from Yale New Haven Hospital where she is being treated for the COVID-19 Virus. Please be encouraged!
It’s almost midnight & my heart aches as I write what’s supposed to be a beautiful message filled with love. I want to wish my firstborn son Jeremy a very happy 22nd birthday! I’m proud of the man you are becoming. I love how your personality never changes and you don’t switch up based on circumstances. Continue to always stand firm on your word and stand your ground son. Maintain your unwavering love for life as you see fit and continue being your own creative soul. The rest will follow. It saddens me that I cannot celebrate let alone be home to love on my family. I promise you, son, that we will be celebrating really soon.
For those that don’t know, I tested positive for COVID-19 and have pneumonia and am currently in the hospital on oxygen. My entire world has been turned upside down!! Life is precious and can be snatched in the blink of an eye. We are not allowed to see or hold our families’ hands. We are not allowed to leave our room. We don’t have any extra clothing just what we walked in wearing. You can’t have family “drop” anything off. I’m wearing a hospital gown, hospital socks & disposable underwear that they supply us here. Medical staff has to suit up in layers of protective gear before entering. Even if they’re here 2 minutes, they then have to remove it all, dump it and do it all over again upon returning. I’m on medications that were given as clinical trials in Italy & China but are not yet approved by the FDA. There’s now another drug they might also do a clinical study on if I agree. There’s so much they don’t know & they’re simply trying out all these trials. The infectious disease team monitors all of our labs. We get 4 tubes of blood drawn every 12 hours, EKG’s, chest X-rays, etc. Vitals are taken round the clock.
Despite having been here all these days, I want you all to know that it’s a time of deep deep reflection. I am blessed with my faith. Faith moves mountains. My church family has been praying for me and helping to bring food to my mom and sons. My family has been very supportive reassuring me to focus on my health and recovery while they handle the rest. If I tell you I have not once questioned: “why me”? I’d be lying. But what I will say is... I believe I’ve been set aside as a Devine intervention to protect my mom who would not survive this. I am where God says I should be and I would not question Him for He knows all things. He does not give us a spirit of fear but of love, hope and a sound mind. I’m thankful for all your prayers and I’ve been filled daily with an overwhelming sense of peace... that which only my Father, the Prince of Peace can deliver. Please people, listen to me. STOP giving priority to things that have very little value. Focus on speaking with words of love and kindness to one another. Focus on doing good to others. Focus on your FAMILY. We can choose our spouses, choose our friends, but we cannot choose our family! That is God-given. Love on them. Stop gossiping, stop trying to have better than the next person or live a lifestyle you cannot afford. Stop with all the fakeness. Some of you are worried about your fake hair color and fake nails and fake eyelashes. None of that is important when no one can even go visit you & see how you look in a casket! Stop destroying your body with smoking and drinking. I thank God I do not smoke. Do you understand I would not be here right now if I was a smoker -my lungs would not survive this virus!! It’s a sad reality because for those who do not have healthy lungs or livers this disease will KILL YOU!
The party life is not worth “the party”!! Seek God. Turn from your wicked ways. I guarantee you that laying in this bed has given me insight into so many things that I will be cutting out of my life including people. I can’t look at the news and I don’t even get on social media because it’s too alarming and sad. Yet, even at this stage in the game, there are people posting jokes. This is no laughing matter. There are refrigerated trucks parked outside of hospitals prepared to take dead bodies. Families cannot even have funerals for their loved ones. Life as we once knew it is changed forever. Money is not important whether you have it or not. Please open your bible and read the greatest story ever told. It’s all in there. The most important thing in your life is your salvation. It is an individual thing no one else can help you attain... work on that! This life here is temporary but we are all promised eternal life if you allow yourself to open your heart and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
By His stripes, I am healed. I know I am the daughter of a King and I will glorify Him and be Victorious over COVID in Jesus’ name! Amen. Please stay safe and stay home. It is not worth the risk unless it is mandatory that you go outside. Keep me in your prayers. I do not want any pity, please. Be blessed.