Strengthening Self Esteem Through Faith - Rev. Grace Reyes
  • Unhealthy soul ties (especially from past romantic or toxic relationships) can keep you emotionally attached to people who have hurt you.

  • If you were in a relationship where you were devalued, rejected, or manipulated, you may struggle to see yourself as worthy of love and respect.

  • Biblical Example: Samson and Delilah (Judges 16) – Samson's soul tie to Delilah led to his downfall because he kept trusting her despite her betrayal.

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The Song That Brings Me into Worship & Represents Spiritual Freedom to Me! - Rev. Millie McFarland

If it wasn't for my God's goodness & mercy and the power of the Blood, I would still be bound in my sins. Even though I don't deserve it, because I have done many things and all the bad choices I've made, I would still be lost, But the mercy of God!! He delivered me and set me free, so I am alive to tell my story and I am walking in my "Spiritual Freedom."

i no fuera por la bondad y la misericordia de mi Dios y el poder de la Sangre, todavía estaría atado en mis pecados. Aunque no lo merezco, porque he hecho muchas cosas y todas las malas decisiones que he tomado, todavía estaría perdido, ¡Pero la misericordia de Dios! Él me liberó y me liberó, así que estoy vivo para contar mi historia y estoy caminando en mi "Libertad Espiritual".

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The Song that ministers to me and Reminds me I am Spiritually Free - Darell Guiont

The Song that ministers to me and Reminds me I am Spiritually Free”

Submitted by: Darell Guiont

I've made mistakes I thought, I'd never recover from..Some said I fell from grace. I just knew I was done I felt discarded, abandoned and thrown away..But then God's love stepped in, Restored me to my place I heard him say:

You are my chosen vessel, You are anointed for this season in time What people rejected. I have accepted. I am with you, you are mine, You are mine

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Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Rev. Bernadette Towers

I then recognized that I was in a new season, a season of learning, and leaning on the Lord, I released the guilt, and focused on the goodness of God. I took a walk back into my past and counted all the times God had seen me through. All the times He healed me, saved me from danger and kept me when my heart was broken from the death of family members and dear friends. God has been with me for 23 years, and He has never left me! He has never failed me!! He has spoken to me in visions, in dreams. He spoke to me through His Word, His preachers and in my spirit. God is Faithful!!! Great is His faithfulness!!!

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Why Pray Without Ceasing For Loved Ones? – Rev. Grace Reyes

Paul prayed fervently and fiercely for Timothy as his prayers left a lasting impression in heaven. Like a statue or memorial permanently stands for generations to remind us of what someone did in the past.

Paul prayed so much for Timothy that he filled the throne room of God with pictures and images and statues and memorials of the younger man. Everywhere God looked he saw images and reminders of Timothy’s work and worship for the Lord.

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The Centrality of the Cross -The Great Exchange - Rev. Maulin Vanderburgh

God reconciled sinful man to Himself by making His sinless Son the sin bearer and dying in the sinners place. Jesus Christ paid the death penalty for the sinner so that God could set the sinner free and declare him righteous in His holy presence. He did more than just forgive us our sins, He imputed (to credit or ascribe (something) to a person or a cause) the perfect righteousness of His Son to us.

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Burden or Blessing? - Ruth Doran

Have you ever endured what seemed to be unbearable loss or hardship? I think that at some point in life, we all have. Do you ever look back upon those situations and realize that they brought true blessings? It is all in your perspective. Through what may have seemed to be insurmountable obstacles, we can be brought to the rich rewards of God’s mercy and blessings.

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The Christian Pledge of Allegiance One God, One Race, One Culture - Sis. Lakeisha Singleton

We, the believers, must provide a solution to help this country deal with the stain of racism. As disciples of Christ, we must utilize our time and resources to bring healing to the people that racism has affected. This can only be accomplished through God’s love. The love of God has placed people of all races on the same playing field. God’s love for us is the same regardless of the color of our skin. God loves the entire world, which includes people of all races who are in His world.

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Willing To Be A Part Of The Solution On Racism In America - Charlie Widmer

Here’s the thing: racism and the rules of how America actually functions have always been painfully real for all people of color. Just like Will Smith said, they’re just filming it now. If we want to see change really take place, it’s going to take serious sacrifices on all our ends to make a difference. Not just today, not just next week, but years of hard work to fix this broken system and to educate the ignorant.

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The Dream Lives On - Sis. Lakeisha A. Singleton

One would ask has Dr. King’s dream been lost. The answer to that question is no. The dream has not been lost but it has been delayed. The enemy’s goal is to delay our blessings such that we no longer have dreams and become hopeless. He wants our hearts to remain sick with worry, despair, and doubt. However, a dream delayed is not a dream denied!

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In Every Season, Give Thanks - Lady Ayileru Morton

The Thanksgiving holiday might be passed but during this season it is very easy to lose our thankful spirit. Especially with what is going us around us.

It was a rough couple of weeks. It seemed like everything that could go wrong went wrong and nothing seemed to be moving in the right direction. However, I have come to realize that when a seed is planted, it may look like the seed is dead however, there is still life in it. It just takes time, and this 'time' can be seen as a waiting period. Some call it, "a process". Yes "a process" can be painful but it can be also rewarding.

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