What God's Glorious & Saving Grace has taught me!! - Carmen Rosita Cornacchia
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
Submitted by: Carmen Rosita Cornacchia
This verse resonated with me:
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV
In my spiritual journey, I have to think selflessly. The Lord wants us to embrace our love for one another. In the continuing process of my transformation and questioning, I will pay it forward by incorporating the teaching moments of the word. The Lord wants us to build each other up in our trials and tribulations and to seek him always.
In my daily walk, the Lord has put into my spirit to encourage others to do the right thing, validate that they are truly loved by God and to keep paying it forward with others in life. All our actions today, pave the path toward tomorrow and the insurance of God’s salvation.