Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Rev. Bernadette Towers
“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!””
Submitted by Rev. Bernadette Towers
After going through some health issues for quite some time, I began to feel useless to God and in His Kingdom. I became very frustrated. You see, I am not the most patient person and I hate not being able to just get up and do. So, I found myself struggling and battling guilt, and what a battle it was.
At one point, I was encouraging myself in the Word, and speaking scripture over myself. The next, I was thinking, oh you are just useless, you’re not doing anything for the Kingdom. Oh, my goodness, I kept swinging back and forth with encouraging myself and discouraging myself. I was angry, angry over not having control of my body, not being able to function like I had always done. I was angry because I could not go and do whatever… Oh, how foolish of me. I was beating myself up for being human.
Thankfully I finally accepted the fact that I had no control of these issues.
I then recognized that I was in a new season, a season of learning, and leaning on the Lord, I released the guilt, and focused on the goodness of God. I took a walk back into my past and counted all the times God had seen me through. All the times He healed me, saved me from danger and kept me when my heart was broken from the death of family members and dear friends. God has been with me for 23 years, and He has never left me! He has never failed me!! He has spoken to me in visions, in dreams. He spoke to me through His Word, His preachers and in my spirit. God is Faithful!!! Great is His faithfulness!!!
So today I want to encourage you, whoever you are, be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for being human. Don’t let guilt take ahold of you. We all have times when we are sick in body, discouraged, tired, etc... When discouragement comes, just remember:
Great is His Faithfulness! His mercies are new every morning. I am very grateful to God for each new day.