In Every Season, Give Thanks - Lady Ayileru Morton
“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Submitted by: Lady Ayileru Morton
The Thanksgiving holiday might be passed but during this season it is very easy to lose our thankful spirit. Especially with what is going us around us.
It was a rough couple of weeks. It seemed like everything that could go wrong went wrong and nothing seemed to be moving in the right direction. However, I have come to realize that when a seed is planted, it may look like the seed is dead however, there is still life in it. It just takes time, and this 'time' can be seen as a waiting period. Some call it, "a process". Yes "a process" can be painful but it can be also rewarding.
I was going through one of those times called the 'process.' I was okay with it, and in fact I had begun to feel quite comfortable. Actually the process didn't feel as bad; no, not until I heard some people testify about God's goodness. All of a sudden I felt burdened, I was reminded of every unanswered prayer. I found myself so discouraged, and even I couldn't understand why. What just happened? I was fine about twenty minutes ago. Now, it was obvious, I needed prayer so I requested it and was prayed for. God answered speedily….as the bible says, before we call He will answer and while we are still speaking He will hear (Isa. 65:24). Can you guess what happened? If you guessed that there was a miracle or breakthrough, you are absolutely correct.
A couple hours after the prayer, I received a phone call, and it was good news. God was working! He answered a prayer, which I had forgotten all about, "He is a Wonder", you know. It was something I had prayed about a long time ago. Although it didn't come the way I expected it, it came. It might not have appeared grand but it was a blessing. Hope sprung up and I realized I was not forgotten.
The next day, I was moved by a message about gratitude. Being thankful for the little things or might I add, things that we view as being 'little'. I was convicted and had to repent for being ungrateful. Also, I made a decision that I would be thankful regardless of situations all around. About a week later, I had the opportunity (not a coincidence) of hearing some more people testify about God's goodness. This time I was encouraged by their testimonies. Why? I believe it was because I had made up my mind to always be thankful. God was still working and I believed that if He did it for them then He could do it for me.
The prayer seed was not dead, there was still life in it, and it's just waiting to flourish. Maybe, I just needed to wait, but while waiting I decided to give thanks. I decided to have an attitude of gratitude.
You might be in a season of waiting right now, you look all around and it's dark and gloomy. You might have received some bad news and could be wondering if God is still out there. Of course He is! Just take a look again. It might not come in the way you thought it would but it is there. It might not be what you expected but search for the blessing in it. You might need to look a little harder because it might look very little.
Is there something positive that you could be grateful for right now no matter how little it may seem? Maybe, the fact that you are alive? The bible says in Ps. 118:17, "in the grave who shall give the thanks?" I have applied this in my life personally. I cannot give thanks in the grave therefore, so long as I am alive I will give thanks to the Lord! Look around you, find something to thank Him for, begin with that, then move into thanking Him in advance for what He will do.
Let your soul find rest today as you give the Lord praise and thanks for all He has done. Have an attitude of gratitude!