Posts tagged Eternal
Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Rev. Millie McFarland

“My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

Psalm 73:26 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland


Heavenly Father, you are merciful and mighty. You are my strength and my portion forever. Whenever I am feeling weary or heavy burdened, you lift me up and give me the unction to function.

Father, I lift up every person reading or hearing this prayer. I know that temptations come from every corner and our flesh can be weak. So I pray that you give each person the strength to resist the wiles of the enemy. The words tells us that in our weakness, You are strong, so we give you our weaknesses and we know your strength will carry us through.

Father, I pray that You be a shelter and refuge for each individual that is struggling. Hide them in the cleft of the rock and protect them from all harm. I thank you for Your grace and love that is sufficient and that covers a multitude of sins. I lay this prayer at Your throne room of grace. I pray all of these things in Jesus name.


“Mi carne y mi corazón desfallecen; Pero Dios es la fortaleza de mi corazón y mi porción para siempre.”

Salmo 73:26 NVI

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rev. Millie McFarland


Padre celestial, eres misericordioso y poderoso. Eres mi fortaleza y mi porción para siempre. Cada vez que me siento cansado o con una carga pesada, me levantas y me das la unción para funcionar.

Padre, levanto a cada persona que lee o escucha esta oración. Sé que las tentaciones vienen de todos los rincones y nuestra carne puede ser débil. Así que oro para que le des a cada persona la fuerza para resistir las asechanzas del enemigo. Las palabras nos dicen que en nuestra debilidad, Tú eres fuerte, así que te entregamos nuestras debilidades y sabemos que tu fuerza nos ayudará a salir adelante.

Padre, te pido que seas amparo y refugio para cada individuo que está luchando. Escóndelos en la hendidura de la peña y protégelos de todo mal. Te agradezco por Tu gracia y amor que es suficiente y que cubre multitud de pecados. Pongo esta oración en Tu trono de gracia. Oro todas estas cosas en el nombre de Jesús.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Rev. Millie McFarland

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland


Heavenly Father, I thank you for who you are and all that you do. You are merciful and mighty, and you hold me up in my times of trouble. I thank you Father, for your promises that are yes and Amen. You never leave us or forsake us.

Father, I pray that you strengthen and encourage every person reading and hearing this prayer. Remind them that you are with them everywhere they go. Father, be a strong tower and give courage and strength to all that are discouraged. Envelop them in your unconditional love and reassure them that you are right there beside them. Saturate them in your hope, joy and peace that surpasses all understanding.

I thank you Lord, for hearing my hearts cry. I lay this prayer at your throne room of grace. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


"¿No te lo he mandado yo? Sé fuerte y valiente. No temas ni desmayes, porque el Señor tu Dios estará contigo dondequiera que vayas".

Josué 1:9 NVI

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rev. Millie McFarland


Padre celestial, te agradezco por lo que eres y todo lo que haces. Eres misericordioso y poderoso, y me sostienes en mis momentos de angustia. Te agradezco Padre, por tus promesas que son sí y amén. Nunca nos dejas ni nos abandonas.

Padre, te pido que fortalezcas y animes a cada persona que lea y escuche esta oración. Recuérdales que estás con ellos dondequiera que vayan. Padre, sé una torre fuerte y da valor y fuerza a todos los que están desanimados. Envuélvelos en tu amor incondicional y asegúrales que estás justo a su lado. Satúralos en tu esperanza, alegría y paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento.

Te agradezco Señor, por escuchar el llanto de mi corazón. Pongo esta oración en la sala de tu trono de gracia. En el nombre poderoso de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Rev. Millie McFarland

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."

Isaiah 26:3 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father, I thank you for being my Prince of Peace. I thank you for keeping me during these turbulent times we live in. You are my strong tower and my refuge. I thank you for the chance of starting over with the new mercies You give each new day.

Father, teach us what it means to have faith in silence when we are going through personal struggles. So many face trials that are beyond their understanding, and they do not know where to turn. I pray that they find solace in You, help them find peace in You. I pray that You give each person Your unspeakable joy in their time of despair. Help them start anew in You; guide and direct their paths.

Father, You make all things new and You set all things in place in accordance to your time. Father, remind us to wait on You, be of good courage and patient, for your timing is perfect. Help us find peace in your plan and trust Your will for our lives. In Jesus name I pray.


"Tú guardas en perfecta paz a aquel cuyo pensamiento en ti persevera, porque en ti ha confiado".

Isaías 26:3 NVI

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rev. Millie McFarland

Padre Celestial, te agradezco por ser mi Príncipe de Paz. Te agradezco por guardarme durante estos tiempos turbulentos que vivimos. Tú eres mi torre fuerte y mi refugio. Te agradezco la oportunidad de volver a empezar con las nuevas misericordias que das cada nuevo día.

Padre, enséñanos lo que significa tener fe en el silencio cuando estamos pasando por luchas personales. Muchos enfrentan pruebas que están más allá de su comprensión y no saben a dónde acudir. Oro para que encuentren consuelo en Ti, ayúdalos a encontrar paz en Ti. Oro para que le des a cada persona tu gozo inefable en su momento de desesperación. Ayúdalos a comenzar de nuevo en Ti; guiar y dirigir sus caminos.

Padre, Tú haces todas las cosas nuevas y Tú pones todas las cosas en su lugar de acuerdo a tu tiempo. Padre, recuérdanos esperar en Ti, sé valiente y paciente, porque tu tiempo es perfecto. Ayúdanos a encontrar la paz en tu plan y confiar en Tu voluntad para nuestras vidas. En el nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Jacklyn Cruz

“Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.”

Psalms 5:1-2 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Jacklyn Cruz

"God's Mercy"

Food for thought:

The Definition of Mercy: compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.

Biblical Definition: What is God's Mercy? Mercy is forgiving the sinner and withholding the punishment that is justly deserved.

God the Father showed mercy on us when he sacrificed his Son, Christ Jesus, on the cross to pay the price for our sins. He acts from compassion and acts with mercy.


Gracious and Holy Father, I come to you with a heart full of gratitude. Lord, Your mercy and grace is new each and every morning. I thank You for Your unfailing love for me, for Your peace, Your comfort, Your strength, Your joy that comes in the morning, for Your protection over me and my family, and for Your wonderful blessings that You provide for me every single day. God there is no one like You. I lift Your name up high.

Lord, when I think about how You sent your only begotten Son Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins, my heart cries out to You. My heart is filled with so many emotions. My heart is overwhelmed. Despite our imperfections, despite our flaws, despite all of our wrong doings, we are sinners and we fall short of your glory and yet you still love us unconditionally. How amazing You are, Father God.

God, I ask that You have mercy on your children. Forgive us of our sins. Be with us Holy Spirit, guide our hearts and our mind. Heal our land. Heal those that are broken hearted. Heal their mind and souls. Protect us daily. Lord, I ask that You cover us with Your Holy blood. Lord, I thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to walk beside us and guide our footsteps. Lord, make us whole, that we can be more like You, Jesus.

O God, how much we need you today, tomorrow and forever more. You show so much compassion and kindness towards us. O, how much I love You, Lord. I praise you for who You are, Lord.

Lord, teach us to be more compassionate to others, to be more loving and caring, and to help those that are in need. Teach us to be more forgiving, when we think they don't deserve forgiveness. Lord, that we don't judge others, and that we become humble like You, Jesus.

Jesus, you are my rock and my fortress. I am nothing without You, Lord. Thank you Jesus for saving me and for keeping me safe in the palm of Your hands.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

"Ten misericordia de mí, oh Dios, conforme a tu amor inagotable; conforme a tu gran compasión borra mis transgresiones; lava toda mi iniquidad y límpiame de mi pecado."

Salmos 5: 1-2 NVI

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Jacklyn Cruz

"Gracia de Dios"

Comida para el pensamiento:

La Definición de Misericordia: compasión o perdón mostrado hacia alguien a quien está en nuestro poder castigar o dañar.

Definición bíblica: ¿Qué es la misericordia de Dios? La misericordia es perdonar al pecador y retener el castigo que se merece con justicia.

Dios el Padre mostró misericordia de nosotros cuando sacrificó a su Hijo, Cristo Jesús, en la cruz para pagar el precio por nuestros pecados. Actúa con compasión y actúa con misericordia.


Gracioso y Santo Padre, vengo a usted con un corazón lleno de gratitud. Señor, Tu misericordia y gracia son nuevas cada mañana. Te agradezco por tu amor inagotable por mí, por tu paz, tu consuelo, tu fuerza, tu gozo que llega por la mañana, por tu protección sobre mí y mi familia, y por tus maravillosas bendiciones que me brindas todos los días. . Dios, no hay nadie como tú. Levanto Tu nombre en lo alto.

Señor, cuando pienso en cómo enviaste a tu Hijo unigénito Jesucristo a morir en la cruz por nuestros pecados, mi corazón clama a Ti. Mi corazón está lleno de tantas emociones. Mi corazón está abrumado. A pesar de nuestras imperfecciones, a pesar de nuestros defectos, a pesar de todas nuestras malas acciones, somos pecadores y estamos destituidos de tu gloria y, sin embargo, aún nos amas incondicionalmente. Qué asombroso eres, Dios Padre.

Dios, te pido que tengas misericordia de tus hijos. Perdónanos nuestros pecados. Acompáñanos Espíritu Santo, guía nuestro corazón y nuestra mente. Sana nuestra tierra. Sana a los que tienen el corazón roto. Sana su mente y su alma. Protégenos a diario. Señor, te pido que nos cubras con Tu Santa sangre. Señor, te agradezco por enviar al Espíritu Santo a caminar a nuestro lado y guiar nuestros pasos. Señor, haznos completos, para que podamos ser más como Tú, Jesús.

Oh Dios, cuánto te necesitamos hoy, mañana y siempre. Muestra tanta compasión y bondad hacia nosotros. Oh, cuánto te amo, Señor. Te alabo por quien eres, Señor.

Señor, enséñanos a ser más compasivos con los demás, a ser más amorosos y cariñosos, y a ayudar a los necesitados. Enséñanos a perdonar más cuando pensamos que no merecen el perdón. Señor, que no juzguemos a los demás y que seamos humildes como Tú, Jesús.

Jesús, eres mi roca y mi fortaleza. No soy nada sin ti, Señor. Gracias Jesús por salvarme y por mantenerme a salvo en la palma de Tus manos.

En el nombre de Jesús oro. ¡Amén!

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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Millie McFarland

“Behold, God is my salvation;
I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.”

Isaiah 12:2 ESV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal and Righteous Father, I come into your presence giving you honor and glory. I thank you for all you do and for who you are. You are Sovereign and heaven is your home and earth is your footstool.

Father, I thank you for your Son Jesus Christ; through Him I have salvation. Father, I place my trust in you and I will not be afraid. Father, you are my strength and my shield; I stand on the rock of my salvation.

Lord, I pray that you give every reader strength to withstand the darts of the enemy. I pray that each call on you and lean on you through these perilous times that we face. Reveal yourself to them and minister to each at the point of their need. I pray when the enemy comes against them like a flood; that you raise up standard against him. For the word says that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. The word also says that satan is already defeated. So we stand on your word Father and we place our trust in you.

I lift up my voice to sing praises to you; for you are my strength like no other. I praise and lift up your Holy name. I thank you for hearing my hearts cry not only today, but everyday. I lay this prayer at your Holy feet. In the matchless name of Jesus.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Carmen R. Cornacchia

“To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Carmen R. Cornacchia

Dear Father God,

My eyes behold a sight of your presence in the crisp Autumn air. The majestic trees sway slightly, as their colorful leaves fall upon my path. I walk in wonder and marvel as I admire the changing seasons. How glorious dear Lord that you show us that transition is part of our lives. As we bid the summer adieu, Fall’s beauty is a prelude to shorter days and longer nights. Lord, your splendor is apparent in the auburn tones of your landscape. Our trust in you, accepts this change with fervor as we know it's part of your plan. This is a time of reflection and preparation. We are getting ourselves ready for colder days ahead.

Abba Father, please help us to navigate the changes and trials in our lives. As in the fall, change can happen quickly. Give us your loving guidance as we ponder our thoughts and actions. Let us lean on your word that is our “roadmap”to life. We need to look no further, as our divine purpose is in your capable hands. As the seasons come upon us, let us give thanks to each day you bestow on us. With your love and support, we will receive each day as your blessing. With your salvation, we will be delivered from sin and its consequences. As the darker nights and cold air will be upon us soon, Lord we will remain faithful in your word. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23. In Jesus name we pray.


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