No Matter What It Looks Like, Take Another Look
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. ”
We are always going to face challenges in this journey. If we were all given a choice, we would want to experience it with Joy and a whole lot of peace. The truth of the matter is that it is not easy to see beyond a bad report, a financial set back, or the myriad of problems that arise in our daily lives. It isn’t always an attack from the enemy; sometimes life just happens!
The very definition of Hope is, a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. We know that there are people in this world who have long lost their ability to trust this. There are people that have been down for such a long period of time that they do not dare to even utter this word.
As believers, we have chosen to trust in God and we have learned to lean on Him. God desires that we always walk by faith and keeping your faith during these trials is no exception. And God knows that fighting to stand in faith during such times is tough! But pressing on will prove your faith genuine and bring promised rewards from God.
God gives a clear definition of how he views it; In Hebrews 11:1, it says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” He wants us to not only be a light within the darkness in this world, but a ray of hope as we exemplify our faith when we are faced with affliction and adversity. Remember those around you are watching.
If you remember in our last devotional, we discussed the negative effects of fear and how we must wield the sword of the word of God to banish its negative effects on our journey. We have a toolbox that the Lord has given us; does it sometimes feel empty?
What tools are you honing and putting in your toolbox?
How is your prayer life looking?
Do you go to the throne to be filled with the tools only he can give?
Do you try and read the word and seek Him each moment you have time or are you taking the time to fellowship with Him?
When we wear the whole armor of God, when we are looking to Him with an unshakable faith, we turn the tables on the enemy, and he flees. Better yet, in Hebrews 11, it gives extensive examples of the saints and how they exercised their faith; it also gives examples of how their faith was rewarded.
As you set out on your daily tasks, think on the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and meditate on all the little miracles you have experienced in your life. Then get your toolbox ready and begin to fill it with all those tools you will need to continue this journey. LOVE, FAITH, STEADFASTNESS, FORGIVENESS…just to name a few!