Chasing away fear Keeping your faith in Him
“The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace”
If you want to access the power of Jesus, you will have to do something that is counterintuitive. Serving Jesus will require you to stop doing what we all instinctually do; try to control the outcome of a situation we are in. He requires surrender. He requires you to give up control of the situation and rely on Him alone.
Your first thoughts in a hard situation must be on Him, always remember to access Him before anything else. If He is for it, it will manifest in the outcome.
Prayer destroys the flesh
Stillness destroys the flesh
Obedience destroys the flesh
When you remember these steps, you will be closer to a more intimate relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Prayer leads us into the place where we are granted an audience with God, and this does mean he does not hear otherwise. This allows for vital intimate time with the Father.
Stillness allows us to be in communion with God. It allows us to come to a peaceful place in his presence. Worry is a useless and counterproductive attempt at control. We need to be still in our thoughts and actions and give our situations and requests over for God to handle. Stillness always precedes revelation; if you want to hear from God you have to be still.
And lastly, when we obey God, we are reacting to his voice when he directs us to do his bidding. Psalm 37:23 says, “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him”. Proverbs speaks of it in 3:6 and in John 10:27, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me”.