When You Experience the "Yet" Moment
“Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.”
When you are in the middle of a valley and you feel that everywhere you turn, the fires are blazing hot, do not lose hope; there are weapons at your disposal:
Put your helmet on
Stay calm
Assess the situation and recognize the enemy’s attacks
Begin to praise him, even if it is only in your head
Get out the most powerful weapon of your arsenal, the word of Almighty God
When faced with giants, most of us instinctively flee, cower, and cry. I know I do. There are moments when our flesh looks at the problem and tells us, hopelessly, how bad it really is. It is the word of God and our faith that will remind us of the power that we have at our disposal given to us by our Father.
After we have assessed the mess, then it is time to organize our counterattack. This is our YET moment. In the passage above the prophet speaks of all the darkness and dread of the current situation he was facing. He acknowledges it YET he makes it clear to us that he will always trust in and praise the Lord.
That is our responsibility as believers; to understand that we will be under attack and that the more we are involved in Kingdom work, the more determined the enemy will be in shutting us down. I choose to stay determined to do the work of the Lord. I know that this decision will be difficult to carry out, but I also know the joy I have experienced when I follow Him. I have looked into the eyes of people who have been delivered out of the darkness into the light and people who have been healed in His name. These experiences melt away all the trials I have gone through.
I also know that my reward is not material, but eternal and that when my race has been run, I will be able to sit at the table with the one who matters most. This is for eternity and like those before me, I boast in my infirmities because He is and will always be my strength.