Posts tagged true love
Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Geraldine Lancey

“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.”

Psalm 62:5-6 ESV

Scripture and Prayer submitted by Geraldine Lancey -

Theme: "In the Waiting"

Dear Father,

Winter was a terrifying time for our ancestors in the Northern Hemisphere.

Lives were claimed by illness, hunger and exposure to the elements.

Anxiously people waited and counted the days until spring returned.

Thus, the Solstice, the day when the planet Earth turns its axis and the sun begins to regain its strength each day.

Rich with symbols of light, reminding people that the darkness and darkest of times are before the dawn.

The light will return.  Prosperity and hope will come again.

Mary and Joseph heeded the words of their angelic visitors and journeyed to Bethlehem,

despite many dangers' to bring the child who became the hope for Christians everywhere, into this world.

The ancient Macabees fought; waiting to reclaim their temple with great toil and great odds against them.

As our ancestors, in their fashion of waiting in a cyclical faith that wintry times will pass.

We also must wait with faith that the God who loves us, will come to bring prosperity and hope again,

quenching our thirst in his grace and in His friendship.


“Solo en Dios, alma mía, espera en silencio, porque de él es mi esperanza. Sólo él es mi roca y mi salvación, mi fortaleza; No seré conmovido”.

Salmo 62:5-6 NVI

Escritura y oración presentada por Geraldine Lancey -

Tema: "En la espera"

Querido padre,

El invierno fue una época aterradora para nuestros antepasados en el hemisferio norte.

Las enfermedades, el hambre y la exposición a los elementos se cobraron vidas.

La gente esperaba ansiosamente y contaba los días hasta que regresara la primavera.

Así, el Solsticio, el día en el que el planeta Tierra gira su eje y el sol comienza a recuperar fuerza cada día.

Rico en símbolos de luz, que recuerdan a la gente que la oscuridad y los tiempos más oscuros llegan antes del amanecer.

La luz volverá. La prosperidad y la esperanza volverán.

María y José escucharon las palabras de sus visitantes angelicales y viajaron a Belén,

a pesar de muchos peligros, traer a este mundo al niño que se convirtió en la esperanza de los cristianos de todas partes.

Los antiguos macabeos lucharon; esperando recuperar su templo con gran esfuerzo y grandes probabilidades en su contra.

Como nuestros antepasados, en su manera de esperar con fe cíclica que pasarán los tiempos invernales.

También debemos esperar con fe que el Dios que nos ama, vendrá a traer prosperidad y esperanza nuevamente,

saciando nuestra sed en su gracia y en su amistad.


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Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Ruth Doran

"And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you."

Psalm 9:10 ESV

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday."

Psalm 37:4-6 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Ruth Doran

Theme: "Trusting God"

O God, my Strength, I put my "trust" in You. You have never let me down. You have never forsaken those who seek You.

I recall the story of Peter having fished all nightlong and caught not a single fish. You instructed him to once again cast his nets and "trust" in You. His nets were then overflowing with fish!

My life has been a testimony of your love for all who "trust" in You. Show me how to mature as a Christian and improve my walk of faith.

Jesus, I "trust" in You!


"Y los que conocen tu nombre confían en ti, porque tú, oh Señor, no has abandonado a los que te buscan".

Salmo 9:10 Español

"Deléitate en el Señor, y él te concederá las peticiones de tu corazón. Encomienda tu camino al Señor; confía en él y él actuará. Él manifestará tu justicia como la luz, y tu justicia como el mediodía". "

Salmo 37: 4-6 Español

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Ruth Doran

Tema: "Confiar en Dios"

Oh Dios, Fuerza mía, en Ti "confío". Nunca me has defraudado. Nunca has abandonado a los que te buscan.

Recuerdo la historia de Peter después de haber pescado toda la noche y no haber pescado ni un solo pez. Le dijiste que una vez más echara sus redes y "confiara" en Ti. ¡Sus redes estaban entonces rebosantes de peces!

Mi vida ha sido un testimonio de tu amor por todos los que "confían" en ti. Muéstrame cómo madurar como cristiano y mejorar mi caminar en la fe.

¡Jesús, "confío" en ti!


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Wanda Moreno

"Let all that you do be done in love."

1 Corinthians 16:14 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Wanda Moreno

Theme: "True Love"

Food for Thought:

There are times in our lives when we are not feeling our best. There are times in our lives when we are tired, exhausted, annoyed, irritated, and not feeling loveable. There are times in our lives when we might feel discouraged and empty. There are times in our lives where our loved ones and friends are in need of our "love," and looking to us to fulfill that basic human need

That "love" might look like a hug, an encouraging word, a card in the mail, babysitting, cooking a meal for someone, sending a scripture verse by text or E-Mail, or a phone call; just to check on how they are doing. That "love" may come in many different forms and may look different to you and me.

We must pay attention and be aware of how our actions reflect the word "love." There are times when we do not feel like doing anything for anyone or even ourselves, let alone do it in "love."

During this pandemic, many people have "loved" us and cared for us. Those on the front lines and those close to us. Those praying for us, those delivering food, those calling on us to rise to the occasion and be a blessing to others, those that fill our "love" tanks with uplifting words, and those meeting our needs when we are sick.

I am eternally grateful that my Heavenly Abba Father, "loves" us no matter what we might be feeling in any given circumstance. His "love" is constant, supreme, never ending and not based on a feeling, His "love" is magnificent, peaceful and fulfilling like none other. He sends His Holy Spirit, His angels, our friends, our families, our pastors, and leaders to "love" us at moments when it was much needed. He is always an on time God! He knows what we need and when we need it. There are times in our lives that we are called, prompted, or even awakened to serve someone and put their needs above ours. That is an act of "love." In 1 Corinthians 16:14 it reminds us, "let all that you do be done in love."

Let's Pray:

Thank you Father, for "loving" us first, by displaying your "love" for us, by sending your son Jesus Christ to die for us on Calvary’s cross; to redeem us and bring us back to your "love." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) gives us an example of what "love" is: "love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres."

In the loving name of Jesus I pray.


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