Posts tagged heaven
Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Millie McFarland

“And on that day you will say, "Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted." Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth.”

Isaiah 12:4-5 NASB

Heavenly Father, I thank you for waking me up this morning and starting me on my way. I thank you for the new mercies each day brings. You are faithful and good. I give you all of my praise.
Father, I lift up each person reading this prayer. I pray that you bless their coming in and their going out. I pray that you supply all of their needs according to your riches in glory. Father if any are sick I pray that you heal them. I place each in your hands and I ask that you meet each at the point of their needs. Minister to each in a personal way and if any need salvation I pray you set them free and save them.

Father I thank you for hearing my prayer. Great is your faithfulness. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


“Y en aquel día dirás:" Alabad a Jehová, invocad su nombre. Dad a conocer sus obras entre los pueblos; hazles recordar que su nombre es exaltado ". Alabad al SEÑOR con cánticos, porque ha hecho cosas gloriosas; que esto se sepa en toda la tierra ”.

Isaías 12: 4-5 LBLA

Padre Celestial, te agradezco por despertarme esta mañana e iniciarme en mi camino. Te agradezco por las nuevas misericordias que trae cada día. Eres fiel y bueno. Te doy todas mis alabanzas, Padre, levanto a cada persona que lee esta oración. Oro para que bendigas su entrada y salida. Oro para que satisfagas todas sus necesidades de acuerdo con tus riquezas en gloria. Padre, si alguno está enfermo, te ruego que lo sanes. Pongo cada uno en tus manos y te pido que conozcas a cada uno en el punto de sus necesidades. Ministra a cada uno de manera personal y si alguno necesita la salvación, oro para que lo liberes y lo salves.

Padre, te agradezco por escuchar mi oración. Grande es tu fidelidad. En el poderoso nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Millie McFarland Bilingual Spanish/English

“May your father and mother rejoice;
may she who gave you birth be joyful!”

Proverbs 23:25 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father, I come into your presence rejoicing and giving you praise for this new day. I thank you for waking me up and giving me new mercies each morning. I thank you for my earthly mother and for all the women that pour into my life. I pray that your unspeakable joy be ever so present in their lives and let them rejoice in you.

Father, I thank you for all the good women who step up in the role of a mother. For she is always loving, encouraging and she provides what is missing in the lives of those that don't have their moms with them. We thank you Father for molding her and guiding her as an example of what it means to nurture and live out love for those around her. Father continue to give her wisdom and bless her coming and going for she has given of herself.

Father, I pray that you give us a heart of compassion and that you makes us sensitive to the needs of those around us. Give us the heart of a loving mother and let us be there for those that are hurting. I thank you for hearing my prayer and I turn it over to you. In Jesus name I pray.


“Que se regocijen tu padre y tu madre; ¡Que se alegre la que te dio a luz! "

Proverbios 23:25 NVI

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Millie McFarland

Padre Celestial, vengo a tu presencia regocijándote y alabándote por este nuevo día. Te agradezco por despertarme y darme nuevas misericordias cada mañana. Te agradezco por mi madre terrenal y por todas las mujeres que se derraman en mi vida. Oro para que tu gozo inefable esté siempre tan presente en sus vidas y permita que se regocijen en ti.

Padre, te agradezco por todas las buenas mujeres que asumen el papel de madre. Porque ella siempre es cariñosa, alentadora y brinda lo que falta en la vida de aquellos que no tienen a sus mamás con ellos. Te damos gracias Padre por moldearla y guiarla como un ejemplo de lo que significa nutrir y vivir el amor por quienes la rodean. El padre continúa dándole sabiduría y bendiciéndola yendo y viniendo porque ella se ha dado a sí misma.

Padre, te pido que nos des un corazón compasivo y que nos hagas sensibles a las necesidades de quienes nos rodean. Danos el corazón de una madre amorosa y permítenos estar ahí para aquellos que están sufriendo. Te agradezco por escuchar mi oración y te la entrego. En el nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Millie McFarland Bilingual Spanish/English

“knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.”

2 Corinthians 4:14 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal Father, I lift your Holy name on high. I thank you for who you are and all that you do. I live because it is Christ that lives in me and one day Jesus will raise us and bring us into your presence. I am forever grateful for your ultimate sacrifice.

In you Lord I put my trust, and I thank you for hearing my prayers. I come into your presence with a repented heart and I ask that you purify me, wash me white as snow. I pray Father that you forgive me if I have offended you in any way. Draw me close to you and don't let me go. I want to walk worthy in your sight and live a life pleasing to you.

Father, I also pray for all those that feel alone, lost and downtrodden. I pray that You step into their situation and give them comfort, strength, hope and peace that surpasses all understanding. Minister to each of them in a personal way and reveal yourself to them as their personal Savior. I pray that each come into the knowledge of Your saving grace, so they too can be raised on that glorious day.

Father, I praise and thank you for never leaving or forsaking me. I thank you for your faithfulness and for being so good. I lay this prayer at your throne room of grace. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


“Sabiendo que el que resucitó al Señor Jesús, también a nosotros nos resucitará con Jesús y nos llevará contigo a su presencia”.

2 Corintios 4:14 Español

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Millie McFarland

Padre Eterno, levanto en alto tu santo nombre. Te agradezco por quién eres y todo lo que haces. Vivo porque es Cristo quien vive en mí y un día Jesús nos resucitará y nos traerá a tu presencia. Siempre estaré agradecido por tu máximo sacrificio.

En ti, Señor, confío y te agradezco por escuchar mis oraciones. Vengo a tu presencia con el corazón arrepentido y te pido que me purifiques, que me laves blanco como la nieve. Padre, te pido que me perdones si te he ofendido de alguna manera. Acércame a ti y no me dejes ir. Quiero caminar digno de tus ojos y vivir una vida que te agrade.

Padre, también oro por todos aquellos que se sienten solos, perdidos y oprimidos. Oro para que entres en su situación y les des consuelo, fuerza, esperanza y paz que sobrepase todo entendimiento. Ministra a cada uno de ellos de manera personal y revélate a ellos como su Salvador personal. Oro para que todos lleguen al conocimiento de Tu gracia salvadora, para que ellos también puedan resucitar en ese glorioso día.

Padre, te alabo y te agradezco por nunca dejarme ni desampararme. Te agradezco tu fidelidad y tu bondad. Pongo esta oración en la sala de tu trono de la gracia. En el poderoso nombre de Jesús oro, amén.

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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Father & Daughter Min. Alexander LaLuz & Alexalee LaLuz

”Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits” — Psalm 103:1-2 (NKJV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Father & Daughter Minister Alexander LaLuz & Alexalee LaLuz

Scripture Selected by: Alexalee

Bless the Lord, O my Soul. I exalt your Holy name. God over all the heaven and earth we magnify your name. I will praise you with all that is within me. Holy God, I come to you, praying for all of the little girls who are fatherless. I pray that you send Godly men in their life that may be a true example of what a father should be. Raise up their grandfather's, uncle's and brother's that will stand in the gap and be there for them. Holy God, show them your love and glory; that they may never feel unloved. Send your comforter to comfort them through all their life's struggles.

Holy God, I pray that you continue to give me the strength to be the father you called me to be. I thank and bless your name for all of the benefits you have bestowed upon me. I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually be in my mouth, because you are more than worthy. I thank you for my treasure you have entrusted me with. I pray your blessings upon her life. May she serve you all the days of her life. In the matchless name of Jesus. Amen

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Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Millie McFarland

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father, give us a heart that is sensitive towards the hurting. Open our eyes to see and open our ears to hear where your spirit is leading. Help us see each person the way You see them. Give us a heart of compassion to feel what they are going through. Father, teach us to love the way you love us.

Father, open our hearts to cry with those who cry and to mourn with those who mourn. For the word says, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit". (Psalms 34:18 NIV) Father, wrap your arms around those brokenhearted due to the loss of a loved one. Comfort them with your precious Holy Spirit.

Father, purify our hearts and let us genuinely seek your face. Open up our understanding; teach us to lean on you; as you direct our paths. Envelop us with your hope, joy, mercy and your peace. Remind us that we are all your children and that you love us all unconditionally. Give us your heart that we may love in the same manor.

Father, give us an undying desire for your word and continue to draw us closer to you. I thank and praise you for who you are, and for hearing my hearts cry. In Jesus name I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer For Friday - Millie McFarland

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;

Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

Psalm 34:8 (NKJV)

Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal Father and Righteous God; King of the heavens and earth we exalt you. We come into your throne with reverence seeking your Holy face. We humbly worship and bow to you.  You are Holy, Holy Lord, God Almighty over all. Father, you are good and the word says "blessed is the man that trusts in Him", we trust in you and only you. We cast away all fear and doubt and replace it with your hope and peace. 

Father, I come to you on behalf of every reader right now. Minister to each of them and reveal yourself to them in that secret place that no one else can enter except you. Open up their hearts to receive your word and to accept you into their hearts as Lord and Savior. Your love Father covers a multitude of sins; and your greatest gift of Jesus Christ, redeemed us from sin and the grave thru his precious blood.

There is no greater Love than Jesus laying down his life and rising from the dead for you and me. Reader, He loves us more than we love ourselves. He knows you more than the most intimate person in your life. We surrender our all to him and walk in newness of life. 

Father, your love never fails, your joy never ceases to uplift, your peace calms the darkest of nights and goodness keeps us. We thank you for never turning your back on us. You are there with your loving arms wide open waiting for us to come home. You welcome us even at our lowest; when no one else cares, you care and love us regardless of what we have done. That is Love, your unfailing, unconditional love. I have tasted your love Father and it is Good. I will forever trust you. 

Gracious Father, you comfort us when we are most miserable. You see our grieving hearts and you blow your warm breath of love to comfort us. In the still moments you whisper your tender mercies in our ears and it reaches our very core. You mend our broken hearts even when we think it's hopeless. No one, I mean no one can do what you do. You move mountains in our behalf and you slain Giants in our stead. You are Sovereign over all. We thank Father for not giving up on us.

Abba Father we bring this prayer to your throne room of grace as an offering of praise. We thank you for all you do. In Jesus Mighty name we Pray. Amen

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