Posts tagged deliverence
Our Daily Prayer For Friday - Millie McFarland

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;

Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

Psalm 34:8 (NKJV)

Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal Father and Righteous God; King of the heavens and earth we exalt you. We come into your throne with reverence seeking your Holy face. We humbly worship and bow to you.  You are Holy, Holy Lord, God Almighty over all. Father, you are good and the word says "blessed is the man that trusts in Him", we trust in you and only you. We cast away all fear and doubt and replace it with your hope and peace. 

Father, I come to you on behalf of every reader right now. Minister to each of them and reveal yourself to them in that secret place that no one else can enter except you. Open up their hearts to receive your word and to accept you into their hearts as Lord and Savior. Your love Father covers a multitude of sins; and your greatest gift of Jesus Christ, redeemed us from sin and the grave thru his precious blood.

There is no greater Love than Jesus laying down his life and rising from the dead for you and me. Reader, He loves us more than we love ourselves. He knows you more than the most intimate person in your life. We surrender our all to him and walk in newness of life. 

Father, your love never fails, your joy never ceases to uplift, your peace calms the darkest of nights and goodness keeps us. We thank you for never turning your back on us. You are there with your loving arms wide open waiting for us to come home. You welcome us even at our lowest; when no one else cares, you care and love us regardless of what we have done. That is Love, your unfailing, unconditional love. I have tasted your love Father and it is Good. I will forever trust you. 

Gracious Father, you comfort us when we are most miserable. You see our grieving hearts and you blow your warm breath of love to comfort us. In the still moments you whisper your tender mercies in our ears and it reaches our very core. You mend our broken hearts even when we think it's hopeless. No one, I mean no one can do what you do. You move mountains in our behalf and you slain Giants in our stead. You are Sovereign over all. We thank Father for not giving up on us.

Abba Father we bring this prayer to your throne room of grace as an offering of praise. We thank you for all you do. In Jesus Mighty name we Pray. Amen

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